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On the plane home the next morning, you were finally able to snuggle up to Harry as Emmy and Niall had done on the way here.

After your lunch yesterday, the boys left you two girls to have a relaxing afternoon in the hotel's spa facilities while they went and played a round of golf.

Emmy had finally got all the in-depth sexy details she had been hankering for over lunch as you finally retold the events of your night without missing a single part, well almost.

She had listened with an animated expression the whole time, of course interrupting every now and then with the usual Emmy squeal or loud cry, but you didn't mind; it was what you expected from your best friend. She had also got quite emotional towards the end of your spill when you confided your loved-up and gleeful deepest feelings, saying how incredibly happy she was for you.

Now the four of you sat on the plane home in a comfortable, if not exhausted silence.

You gazed out of the window as Harry played with your hair, "You did talk in your sleep you know."

"What?" You asked, turning to him in confusion.

He looked down at you with that famous smirk which caused your stomach to flip, "On the way here, when you slept opposite me."

"Oh," you laughed, "Why didn't you tell me?" You said with fake hurt, but a hint of suspicion.

Harry's smirk deepened, "Wasn't sure you'd like to know what you said."

Now you were definitely suspicious, "Harry...just tell me!"

He giggled before speaking, "You said my name."

You scoffed, "Yeah nice try, I very much doubt that."

"I'm being serious Cecelia," And you knew he wasn't joking by the glint in his eyes.

"Oh God, did I really? That's so embarrassing," you buried your head into your hands to hide the pink tint to your cheeks.

"Hey," Harry began to pull you out of your little huddle, forcing you to meet his eyes, "It was cute, and besides it confirmed that you still felt the same about me as I did about you."

You softened at that, as clearly even asleep, your subconscious was rooting for you and Harry. Leaning up, you gave him a light peck on the lips, before settling back into him for the rest of the flight.

"Are you doing anything later?" Harry asked you in the car home back to your apartment.

"No, was just planning to veg out on the sofa if I'm being honest," you said with a smile.

"Well, I'd like to take you on a date."

Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes of course, I know I've taken you out to some pretty good places, and let's not forget the concert we went too -"

"Yeah, you blew it out the park with that one I have to admit."

Harry gave you a confident smirk before continuing, "But they weren't official dates, and now that we have confessed our undying love for each other, I would like to take you on one."

You smiled at him for a few moments, one of those smiles that shone right from your heart that was full of love, gratitude and a hint of disbelief that this man was all yours.

"I'd love too Harry, thank you."

"Okay perfect," the car stopped as Harry jumped out and jogged around to open your door for you.

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