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"No, shuffle it across a bit."

You pointed the decorators to the area you wanted the tall bar table to be placed as the sounds of setting up and general chatter continued around you.

It was a few weeks later and the night of The 1975's newest albums launch party. To say it had been a little thrown together would be the truth; considering how close Harry had planned it to the unexpected court date meant you'd only had just over two weeks to finalise all the details of the night.

But the task was nothing you couldn't handle, that was for sure. Working under pressure was not unusual to you, and considering how closely you'd been working with the band before New Years meant they'd been so helpful in giving you clear direction of what they wanted from their big night.

Bar a few little alterations which you were currently rectifying, the venue looked amazing. Since the album had some varying themes and vibes, you'd chosen an edgy bar set in a concrete-wall basement with different foundations and pillars, surrounded by colourful lights. With the added lighter backdrop lights, the space didn't feel claustrophobic or dark, but rather set alight with purple and green spotlights.

"Someones feeling bossy tonight," a familiar voice drawled from behind you.

You rolled your eyes good-naturedly with a growing smile as you span on your heel to face Harry, "Haven't heard that one before," you replied playfully as you reached to run your hands along the periwinkle blue lapels of his suit jacket.

"Was hoping you'd remember," he said back, hands curling around your waist to bring you closer to him as his eyes sparkled with memories.

Of course you remembered. How could you ever forget your first ever album party with Harry and his company? It had certainly been a catalyst of sorts, what with the kiss you and Harry had shared, the romantic dance and the fear that came after Tom Pennock had snapped those pictures of you two.

The thought used to make you feel a bit sick to your stomach, and what ultimately happened after that night, but now looking at how far you and Harry had come, and how Tom Pennock was merely a long forgotten annoyance, you couldn't help but feel a quiet sense of triumph.

"Of course, I think that was when I first started realising I liked you as way more than just a friend," you admitted, hindsight enabling you to recognise what you hadn't seen at the time.

Harry hummed in agreement, "Even though you ran off and left me stranded after my super romantic gesture," he teased, giving your waist a squeeze.

You whacked him lightly on the arm with a laugh, "Hey, who could blame me? I was terrified of what that picture could've meant!"

Harry laughed too, "I know I'm only messing with you, besides all worked out in the end didn't it? Water under the bridge and all."

It was your turn to hum in agreement as you slid your arms around Harry's neck, "It certainly did, and I couldn't be happier about it."

Harry's answering smile was as bright as the two gems that now adorned your bracelet which sparkled under the dim lighting. They winked at you from behind Harry's head as though in agreement with your words.

You leant up with a glowing smile of your own to press your lips to Harry's. Every kiss with him still felt as magical as the first and you knew you'd never tire from the bliss that ran through your every nerve when he touched you.

Harry had just begun to pry your lips open to connect his tongue with yours when a loud, over-the-top cough sounded to your left.

Disconnecting your lips, but still keeping as close to Harry as you had just been, you turned your head with a knowing, albeit annoyed smile to be met with a familiar face.

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