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"Mate, she's amazing."

Harry turned to his best friend Louis, who had flown out from the UK for the weekend, "Y'think so?"

"Without a doubt, I've not seen you look at someone that way in a long time," his northern accent was comforting to Harry; him and Louis had been best mates since primary school and he always missed him now that he lived across the ocean. It was also quite important for Harry to have him meet you, as Louis was always a good judge of character and Harry knew he had his best interests at heart, as every best friend should.

Harry blushed slightly before replying, "Honestly Lou, I've never felt this way in a long time either...I just can't do anything yet, I want her to be sure of what she's doing."

"Mmm, she seems very headstrong and determined...bit like you eh," he nudged Harry's elbow jokingly, "You'll know what to do Haz, you always do in the end."

Harry nodded firmly, Louis' words giving him some comfort. He was still at a crossroads with what to do when it came to you; just nip it in the bud now and hope the risk pays off, even though it could mean a catastrophe worse than before, or bide his time just to be on the safe side?

Brushing away his deep thoughts, knowing they didn't need to be dwelled on right now, he gazed over at you. Currently, you were rather drunk - as you should be on your birthday - dancing and flailing around with Emmy, Felicity and some other girl friends, a party hat sat lopsided on your head. Your heels had been discarded ages ago, opting now for some cheap flip flops Emmy had brought for you, knowing you tended to prefer the comfier option when dancing. You looked as radiant as ever; Harry loved to watch you having fun, the bright smile that was constantly splitting open your cheeks and the rosy flush on your cheeks was one of Harry's favourite images.

He brought his drink to his lips, feeling quite intoxicated himself at this point. Niall had joined him and Louis now, but Harry was too busy still watching you to engage fully with whatever joke they were sharing.

And he was glad, because in that moment, paused mid-dance, you brought your own drink to your rosy lips as you stared Harry down. A huge grin formed around the straw that you nibbled on with your teeth when you realised Harry was staring right back at you. He made a show of looking you up and down, before finishing with a cheeky wink, and was rewarded with the pink blush that evaded your cheeks and the subtle shift of your thighs.

Harry was ecstatic, his feelings bubbling happily in the pit of his stomach as he couldn't help but let his excitement grow for the rest of the evening. But little did he know, the night was only just getting started.

It was nearing midnight by the time Harry finally had a moment alone with you. He had found you half draped on the bar downing a glass of water, drunkenly chatting the ear of the barman off. When Harry approached, the barman shot him a grateful smile as if to say thanks for shutting her up, and he chuckled lowly to himself in amusement at you.

"Harry!" You slurred, the contents of your glass sloshing over the side slightly when he touched your waist gently.

"Woah, careful there birthday girl, you having fun?"

"Of course, all my favourite people are here, it's the bestest day!" Your over-the-top drunk enthusiasm was very endearing, and it made Harry's heart swell knowing he was the one behind your 'bestest day'.

"I'm glad darling, it's almost officially your birthday too."

"Oh god I know, I'm going to be old," you dragged out the last word, sighing dramatically afterwards.

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