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After that night, Harry felt as though something had finally aligned in his universe. Granted, he had been rather drunk when he'd got back from the gig, but he knew his feelings had nothing to do with that when he woke up the morning after still feeling the same, and the morning after that, and the morning after that...

He walked with a permanent spring in his step, a new found happiness at his emotional revelation. Yet Harry scolded himself; there was still a chance that Damon could miraculously pull something out of the bag and win you over, even though deep down Harry fancied his chances at being the one to show you what love truly meant.

Any doubt he had about you not feeling the same was quite low - practically nonexistent. He knew his previous poor decisions and shitty actions could still come back to haunt him, but the way you had acted around him at the gig, not just then but every day since then as well, gave him that confidence. And he still couldn't get over the way you simply looked at him that night; as much as you tried to hide your feelings, Harry could read your eyes incredibly well by now, and they told him all your secrets. Harry fell asleep nearly every night with your eyes being the last thing he thought about; when they were filled with desire, lust, happiness, or anything for that matter. As long as Harry was the reason for all of those positive feelings and more, he would be a very happy man.

However, even with his new found confidence in the reciprocity of his feelings - or at least to some degree - there was the growing issue of how to go about telling you the truth and depth of the way he felt.

There was no way Harry would, or could, mess it up again. He had to be smart about this, and not let his emotions get the best of him. After what had happened at Niall's launch party, and the subsequent consequences that unraveled because of that, Harry wanted to do this right. But that meant being patient - which was not one of his strongest suits.

Niall was coming in for a meeting today, just one of the monthly review ones Harry had to do with all of his artists. Most of the time they were straightforward and rather boring, but whenever Niall came in, they ended up chatting for hours about stuff that was definitely not related to business.

As soon as all the professional stuff was over and done with, Niall didn't hesitate to jump straight into question time, "So how's it been with Cecy since the gig?"

"Bloody hell Niall, you don't fuck about do you?" Harry said with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair and stretching his long legs out before crossing them at the ankles.

"Nope, sure don't. C'mon then let's hear it!"

"Surely you've heard most of it from Emmy by now?" Harry was still trying to avoid directly answering the question.

"All I know is that Ceece hasn't stopped going on about how amazing it was, and it's been two weeks H, so what'd ya do? Fuck her backstage? Show her Harry Juniors moves - OW!"

Harry threw a pen at Niall, his aim impeccable as it hit him square in the head, "Shut up you dick, Cecy's literally just outside," he muttered.

"Oooh, he's blushing!!" Niall let out his classic cackle. He was enjoying this way too much.

"Look, it was good okay? We had a really fun time and I just...I dunno, made me realise some things I guess."

"Like what?" All laughter had left Niall's face now as he understood that Harry was moving onto something that seemed a bit more serious. As much as the duo teased each other and pissed about, Niall always knew when Harry needed to get something off his chest and get some advice, and it was the exact same vice versa.

"Uhm..." Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously, he hadn't actually admitted it out loud yet, but he knew he could trust Niall, "I think I'm in love with her, mate."

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