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Unsurprisingly, but still to your slight disappointment, nothing changed between you and Harry after your intimate moment in his kitchen.

You carried on working hard; maybe because you'd been so busy preparing for the launch party of Niall's album in a few weeks you hadn't had the time to think about or react to what had happened in the sobriety of the light of day.

Harry was seemingly overworking, you thought. Whenever you saw him his short curls were sticking up, clear that he had been tugging on the chestnut strands, eyes distant and consumed in a faraway thought. Regardless, you made sure to help in anyway possible; taking on as much as you could within the span of your role.

As the end of a cold March faded into a warming April, the launch party finally rolled around. It was going to be a big night; lots of people were going to be there. Your friends, a few work colleges (luckily not George - Harry had informed you that he had been mysteriously absent in any meetings or calls the past few months), all of Niall's entourage, press and media people, plus a few celebrity guests. Because you knew how stressed Harry seemed, you'd managed to pull a few strings by contacting Harry and Niall's close friend Ed Sheeran. They were both unaware that he would be coming, what with his own busy schedule, but you were really excited to see their faces when they found out.

You arrived at the bar where the event was being held early to help with the finishing touches and set-up. Admittedly, it looked great - luckily the bar was nice enough that you didn't have to change the furniture in anyway, just added some posters promoting Niall along with some merch tables for the guests, and a few fairy lights dotted around the ceiling.

"Yeah, over there is fine - no, not like that, the drinks have to be obvious when the guests walk in, don't hide them behind the giant Niall!" You instructed, sighing in frustration.

"Someones feeling bossy today," you whirled as Harrys leisurely voice sounded from behind you, "Mhm, red is definitely your colour," he hummed, looking you up and down with a satisfied smirk, he lent forward and placed a kiss on your cheek in greeting, though from the way he lingered you both knew it wasn't just a simple greeting.

"Harry..." You were taken off guard by his soft lips yet again, "Thank you, floral doesn't look to bad on you either," referencing his black and white patterned suit, recovering swiftly. You were pleased to note he looked much more rested than he had in weeks.

"Can't resist a Gucci suit you see."

"Gucci, hm," you raised an eyebrow, "guess it makes sense since you get paid the big bucks,"

"Exactly Cecelia, someone's gotta fund my ability to be a style icon."

Swatting his chest with your hand at his overly confident statement, you couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped your lips.

"Ceece, I wanted-"

"Mr Styles, Miss Stone!" The official photographer was calling your names, gesturing for you to squeeze together to pose for a photo.

"Oh...um..." you stammered, but Harry had already found you waist and pulled you tight to his side.

"This is your moment as much as it is mine or Niall's, embrace it," his hot breath fanned your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. You smiled softly up at him, as his own lips reflected the same smile.

Breaking your eye contact, you turned to the camera and smiled brightly, click.

"Harry, eyes here!"

"But what I'm looking at is so much better," his voice was so low you hardly heard it. Your heart contracted in your chest at his words, watching him, eyes wide, as he turned to the camera. You quickly followed suit to avoid being caught out for staring at Harry just as he had.

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