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Before you knew it, a month had passed and you were stood in your bedroom getting ready to go to the gig with Harry. Your excitement had built insurmountably since the day Harry gave you the tickets, and to say you were practically vibrating with elated anticipation was an understatement. You'd spent the last hour or so with The 1975 blasting loudly through your apartment, doing more dancing and jumping than actual getting ready.

The ringing of your phone broke you out of your dance party. You clutched the towel wrapped around your body tighter as you picked up the slim device.

"Hey Ems, what's up?"

"My dear Cecelia," she said in a dramatic voice which meant she was definitely calling to tease you about something, "Just checking in before your loved up date tonight?"

You rolled your eyes, "It's not a date Emmy. Really, in a way, it's work since Harry's hoping to sign them."

"Oh shut up, we all know this is a date...what man would literally change the date of a concert of your favourite band for you? Ooh, I can tell you who wouldn't do that for you...Damon." She deadpanned.

You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips. Emmy had taken every possible opportunity to make sure her feelings towards Damon were very clear, "And let me guess," you drawled sarcastically, "you can tell me what man who would do that for me?"

"Yes, I sure can, and his name starts with a H and ends in a Y, and has A R R in the middle if you weren't sure."

"You're such a pest, you know that right?"

"I most definitely do, but that's why ya love me!" You could picture her shit-eating grin as she spoke which made you chuckle. What would you do without a friend like Emmy?

"Can't deny that Emsy."

"But seriously Ceece, I'm still not over the fact Harry did this for you...isn't there some part of you that just wants to put the boy out of his misery and start shagging again?"

"Emmy!" You cried at her dirty mouth.

"What? 'M just saying." She mumbled, in a matter-of-fact tone.

You sighed before answering. Truth was, part of you did want to do just that - drop the walls still partially up around your heart and stop wasting time and just be with Harry like you knew you both wanted. But, the bigger part of you was still scared. Sometimes, you had a tendency to go back to what you knew wasn't good for you, purely just because it wasn't the unknown, and in this instance a relationship with Harry really felt like the unknown.

"Yeah of course there is, but I just need some more time...to figure things out, to figure out what I truly want."

Emmy was silent for a long moment on the other end of the line before she spoke, "I know, and I understand that; no-one wants to see you get hurt again, especially me, and I know you know that. But I also think - and this is me giving you the forceful, motherly push that you need so don't hate me - sometimes we have to do the things that scare us, cos otherwise we could miss out on something great, something that is exactly what we want and need."

"Wow," you teased, "Look at you getting all deep and philosophical on me."

"Oh fuck off, I take it back - just go and fuck the poor bloke."

You laughed loudly, this was something you adored about your friendship with Emmy; you would both fire sarcastic and jokey insults to each other all the time, but when you needed her support and kind heart, she was always there ready and waiting whether you knew you needed it or not.

"I love you Ems, thank you," you said, more serious now.

"Yes I know you do, now go and have the best time! I can't wait to hear all about it, love you."

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