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Luckily, you woke up hangover-free on your final full day in this blissful place. Last nights meal had been classy and filled with stories and laughs, but thankfully a lot less tequila than the night before.

You and Harry had kept your flirting to a minimum during dinner, and surprisingly you were glad about that. The text you had received from Damon before the meal, and now the subsequent one you had just woken up to, was making you reconsider some things.

If Harry was dating that girl from his apartment, and you and him had unanimously decided to stay friends, there was no harm in considering opening the door that Damon was graciously holding wide open for you.

Going back to an ex always had it's downsides and you knew that, you prided yourself on thinking rationally, but at the same time he was showing you the effort that had always been lacking before, Granted, it had only been one date and quite a few thoughtful text messages - but in comparison to when you had first dated that was quite a big improvement.

And ultimately, if the door between you and Harry was closed forever, there was nothing holding you back if you wanted to start considering other options.

Sighing frustratedly, cursing the existence of men, you rolled out of the comfy cream sheets and went to freshen up in the bathroom before pulling on a dark rose coloured bikini. Slipping some cute hoops onto your ear lobes to dress the outfit up, you slipped into a long black beach skirt before grabbing your stuff and heading down for some breakfast.

The whole day was spent similar to the first; lounging around by the pool and soaking up the sun. You were determined to get a good tan and was very happy with your progress, until Harry cheekily pulled the waistband of his leafy swim shorts down an inch to show you the clear line separating his tanned skin (which was definitely a shade darker than yours) from the paler skin below it.

Swatting him around the shoulder and crossing your arms over your chest, bottom lip pouted out in disappointment led Harry to laugh heartily, the soft, happy crinkles around his eyes making you melt soon after and join in with his contagious laughter.

Later on in the afternoon you were sat on the edge of the pool with your toes and calves dangling into the cool water, reading a book.

"Whatcha reading?" You jumped at the husky voice which sounded from your left. Moving your book away from your face, you were greeted by Harry peering up at you with big doe eyes, hands folded on the edge of the pool with his head resting upon them, chestnut curls now darkened and sticking to the sides of his face from the water.

"Jesus, H, you scared me."

"Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you," his thumb swirled comforting circles on your knee that was closest to him, watching intently as goosebumps popped up where he marked you, before raising his eyes to yours.

The colour of Harry's eyes were spectacular on a normal day, but bathed in the soft afternoon sun they twinkled more than the brightest star in the sky. You loved how the shade always seemed to change depending on his mood or the lighting, and the current spring green colour was definitely one of your favourites.

"S'okay," you replied smiling, splashing him lightly with your toe.

"Heeey! Watch it or you'll be coming in with me," his tone was teasingly threatening and it was like music to your ears.

"No, I most definitely will not," you argued back.

He poked his tongue out at you playfully, "So...tell me about this book then."

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