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You stood in front of the elevator, awaiting it's arrival after what ended up being a very emotionally draining day.

The conversation you'd had with Phoebe had been at the forefront of your mind all day; you'd hardly been able to concentrate, having stumbled over names and dates on the phone multiple times, and even taking triple the time than usual to write even the simplest of emails.

Your lunch with Harry had luckily not happened since he had been called into a meeting last minute, and truth be told, you were kind of glad as you weren't sure you would've been able to face him after the revelation that came with your chat earlier in the day.

Finding out about Phoebe's late husband had shocked you to your core, she wasn't much older then you, and to have already been through such a heartbreaking situation at such a young age had been the kick up your ass that you had needed.

There was no reason to waste anymore time being apart from Harry when others, like Phoebe, had been so unlucky to lose their soulmates. The past two months had felt so empty and hopeless, so to finally have a little spark of emotion back was daunting yet exciting.

If the opportunity presented itself then you would tell Harry how you truly felt, how you were still completely and utterly in love with him, and how bleak life had been recently since you'd had that conversation the morning after you birthday.

Harry had just left his office and locked the door before he began the short walk to the elevators. Upon seeing you already standing there he paused.

You stood with your back to him, head lifted up slightly to the left as you watched the numbers on the elevator sign rise. Harry admired the soft fall of your hair down your back, the curve of your ass in the tight skirt you were wearing, the long line of your legs in those silky black tights and winter boots you often wore when it was cold.

Of course, he found everything about you incredibly sexy and beautiful, but today, as it did most days recently, it just made him sad. Truth was, he absolutely hated just being your friend. And he'd known from that conversation you'd had months ago that it wasn't what you'd wanted either. But always eager to please, he agreed, believing that maybe this was the best thing after all and that the universe just wasn't in his favour.

Harry began to walk again, trying to shake the miserable thoughts from his head - he couldn't dwell anymore, what was done was done.


You started slightly at the sound of his voice, as though you'd just been broken out of a deep thought. Oh how he hoped you were still feeling as downcast as he was, "Oh! Hey Harry."

"Glad I caught you before you left -"

"I wanted to -" you both spoke at the same time.

After an awkward laugh you gestured for Harry to continue, unable to quiet the pounding in your heart. Even though you had a new resolve to tell Harry your true feelings, you hadn't expected the opportunity to arise this soon.

"So you know the AMA's is coming up in a few weeks..." you drifted out slightly as Harry continued to ramble, seemingly a little nervously, about what the weekend would entail for the artists and how Harry had been invited along too. All you could think about though was the bickering going on in your own mind.

Should you just come out with your declaration now? You could feel it bubbling on the tip of your tongue as you stared at the love of your life in front of you. No-one was around so even if you got rejected it wouldn't be completely embarrassing, right? But oh god, what if Harry did reject you? That would break you all over again just like the day you saw Charlotte at his apartment, and you weren't sure if you or your friendship would survive that.

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