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You woke up to a knock at the door. Sliding out of bed with a grumble and grabbing your dressing gown due to the slightly chilly September morning, you stalked towards the door.

Stifling a yawn you threw it open to be welcomed with...nothing. Your features scrunched up into confusion and annoyance, surely people still didn't play knock down ginger?

Poking your head out of the doorframe and eyeing the empty hallway suspiciously, you were about to close the door before you noticed the reason for your disturbance; a large bouquet of sunset orange, yellow and pink wildflowers stood at the foot of your door.

With wide eyes you leant down and grabbed the beautiful flowers greedily, feeling very flattered and pleased by their presence as you placed them down in your living room. You thought only one person would do something like this, and was happy to be proven correct when you opened the small envelope attached with the bouquet.


Picking you up at 8.

Birthday celebrations start now,

Wear something nice.

H x

Your eyes scanned the note eagerly, and after reading it through a couple of times, you clutched the note to your chest, all grumpy sleepiness now replaced by pure curiosity and excitement. Harry had obviously taken note of your love for birthdays, especially your own, and that made you incredibly happy. You'd been so busy with work that you hadn't had time to organise something for your big day tomorrow, or spend much time with Harry in general, so the thought of Harry taking it into his own hands made your heart flutter at his simple act of kindness.

You knew there would be no chance you'd get back to sleep now, not with the upcoming event this evening that you were already delighted about, so you began to get ready for a morning run to maybe try and burn off some energy.

And it worked a treat; when you got back you had a quick nap on the sofa while watching your favourite sitcom. You were pleased as a nap was always the perfect way to pass some time, and since you'd been feeling pretty exhausted as of late, you needed all the sleep you could get.

While making your lunch another knock at your door sounded through your apartment.

As you wandered over to open the door you felt like you were in groundhog day, having already done this once before. Luckily, when the door swung open there was a person holding a package. You thanked the delivery man before taking the box and closing the door behind you with your foot.

You eyed the cardboard box in confusion, grabbing some scissors and slicing open the sellotape to be met with a box of chocolates and a small fluffy teddy bear that was holding a felt heart with the words Happy Birthday stitched onto it.

"Who is this from?" You mused lowly to yourself, before reading the small note attached to the chocolate box.


Happy Birthday!

See you later,

Love, D x

A jumbled mess of thoughts crashed through your mind after discovering the gift was from Damon. First of all, in all honesty, you felt a little bit uncomfortable. Being called 'princess' was never a pet name you favoured, and definitely not coming from Damon... And then there was the signing off with his initial again! It just wasn't the same as when Harry did it, and you knew these constant comparisons were quite unfair, but it was impossible not too when all the things Harry had done were so, well, perfectly Harry. But what really confused you was the 'see you later' at the bottom, as you had no plans to see Damon any time soon, so for what reason would he say that?

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