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Harry woke up grumpy on Monday morning.

It was probably because you weren't by his side, as you'd told him sternly (which he of course couldn't take seriously) that you wouldn't be moving in with him until he had officially asked you to be his girlfriend.

He couldn't help but enjoy teasing you about it, pleased that you'd let it slip because now it provided him with a good source of amusement. But truth was, Harry felt ready to call you much more than just his girlfriend and had actually, probably not on accident, referred to you as his fiancée when he'd been chatting with the grocery store cashier the other night.

But of course he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend first as he knew you wanted to do things properly considering how backwards you'd started your relationship. He had been planning it for some time now to make sure the night was romantic and meaningful, but wanted to hold out just a little bit longer so he could get a couple more jokes in.

However, he knew that his grumpy mood wasn't just because the love of his life wasn't by his side.

It was because of Liam fucking Payne.

Harry had heard the rumours surrounding Bear Records management, obviously he had; Simon Walsh was someone he knew well and to hear that shit had gone down within the company to get him removed had not sat well with Harry.

The first time Harry had met Liam had been just before you'd joined the company at a boring mandatory conference about some finance thing that was changing within several different companies in New York. Turns out both Eroda Music and Bear Records were under the same bank and Simon had brought Liam along as he was like his protege at the time.

Harry had seen through his puppy dog eyes instantly, much too aware of men like him and their incessant need for power. But ever the professional, Harry hadn't thought much into it, knowing that Simon was probably aware of this too.

But then flash forward to when Harry had heard the news of Simons departure and he immediately knew it had to have something to do with Liam Payne.

And then when you'd told him all about your meeting and confirmed his worst suspicions, he couldn't help the grey cloud that had been looming over him since you'd left on Saturday afternoon.

Harry wasn't worried at all; he knew he was a better businessman than Liam ever would be, having worked his way from the ground up to earn his title and reputation as a powerful force in the music industry.

However, he couldn't help but recognise the cut-throat side of the industry, and how quickly Liam had established that he was willing to do anything for his company, but more so for himself which was even more dangerous.

And then of course, you had to have history with him. Harry knew what an awkward position this put you in, having clearly held Liam in quite high standings as being a good friend of yours. Plus there was the whole guilt that came with having a selfish dickhead of an ex still following you around like a ghost.

It was clear that you carried the weight of Damons actions on your own shoulders, taking the blame for them and dealing with all the negative feelings that came from being around a controlling bastard for so long.

And Harry couldn't blame you at all for that; he just wished he could take it all away.

But now here Liam was, the embodiment of one of the biggest hauntings of your past relationship staring Harry right in the face as the embodiment of the biggest pain in his ass. Oh, and there was the whole possibility of Liam being in love with you just to add to this mess.

You just couldn't make this shit up.

Harry jumped into the shower, ridding himself of any grumbly thoughts about how unfair it was that when he'd finally got you back, someone had to come along and throw a spanner in the works - and not just in his relationship but in his company too.

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