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That night everybody trooped down to one of the local bars that, luckily, wasn't too far from the house. You'd been told it was one of the best; it served delicious Mexican food and drinks and after 9 o'clock the karaoke started up - what more could you want?

As soon as you walked through the doors, a hostess greeted you with colourful sombreros which she was passing around to your whole group. Harry said they expected the large group every year so were very friendly since you tended to spend a shed-load of money whenever you came, hence the gift upon arrival.

"Ooh, I love this!" You squealed, as the four of your sat at a high circular table near the rest of the large group. Around forty people had come on the weekend - which surprised you as you'd only dealt with around ten or so of the people Harry worked the closest with, but it was nice to see some new faces.

The waiter approached your table and you ordered a few things to share, plus four margaritas as they were the bars specificity, "Oh! And can we get one tequila shot please? Make it a big one." Emmy asked with a wink in your direction, just before he left.

"Oh fuck, I forgot about that," you mumbled.

Harry, who was sat next to you, leaned in ever so slightly to whisper softly so only you could hear, "Last I remember, you could handle your tequila Ceece?"

Your eyes widened at the sensual undertone of his words, knowing that he was referring to the tequila shots you'd done at that club during your heated night together all those months ago. The thought of his hooded eyes, sparkling with lust as he watched you do the shot and the lacings of the sharp liquid still on his tongue when he kissed you was enough to make you squirm in your seat from arousal.

As much as you'd healed after what had happened, and had told yourself you were just friends, there was no denying the way your body still reacted to him; it was like you were having withdrawal symptoms and Harry was your drug.

"Have to admit I am a little rusty," you conceded.

"Hmm, 'm sure you've still got it love."

The drinks arrived and you moved the shot with the salt and lime towards you.

"Look, I'll help you out," and without any pre-warning your wrist was in Harry's soft grasp and his pink tongue was darting out to trail a short wet line on the upside of your hand, his jade eyes burning into yours all the while.

You gaped at him as Niall wolf-whistled and Emmy whooped, "That's it guys let's get this party started!"

It was safe to say you were now one hot, horny mess.

Finally registering what was going on you shook the salt onto your hand and proceeded to down the shot with ease, sucking on the lime after. The table clapped you, as you rolled your eyes in embarrassment, mock bowing in your seat.

A light squeeze to your waist made you look up, "See, knew you still had it in ya darling."

A flirtatious grin spread across your face, as you all cheers'ed your margaritas, toasting to love, friendship, and more alcohol, making a very accurate indication of how the rest of the night was going to go down.

By the time you were all at least six margaritas and four tequilas deep, the karaoke was well under way. Niall, ever the performer, was the first to jump up there and sing some old school classic pop songs that had everyone singing and dancing along. The small dance floor in front of the stage was crammed; fuelled by the sweet rum cocktails, the whole company was absolutely smashed and having a ball. You and Emmy followed soon after him singing a cute, lovey duet together as Harry and Niall acted like fangirls at a rockstars concert, even though you laughed and slurred your way through most of the song.

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