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"Do you think glasses get in the way of kissing?"

DISCLAIMER!this book may or may not contain sexual innuendos and harsh language

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this book may or may not contain sexual innuendos and harsh language. it also may or may not contain possible triggers so if you are easily triggered, you are adviced not to read this fanfic.

this book is heavily inspired by korean manhwas (webtoon) such as
a guide to proper dating (romance101), seasons of blossom, and the only love i know

it will also most likely be based in korea as well, considering that this is indeed a modern university
au. pls keep in mind i am in no way glorifying korean education in this book btw! (bc i know
its pretty hard for the students in korea too)
you, sucrose, kaeya, and albedo are all exchange students from your home country, who got scholarships in your respective majors in korea.
you and albedo are fine art majors, sucrose and kaeya are chemistry majors and, for clarification.
i'll be using gender neutral terms when addressing the reader!



you, of course. you're the main character.
- ambivert
- have a weird sense of humor
- shy but daring. who knows? maybe you'll make the first move
- you're a baddie
- your signature outfit is an oversized knitted sweater and a long flowy skirt paired with some highcut sneakers. you often carry a tote bag with you too, usually a coffee/tea in one hand, a laptop in the other.

albedo, love interest 1
-(not so) shy introvert
- doesn't know how to deal with his feelings well
- was supposed to go into chemistry with sucrose
- went to fine arts instead because he was better at it
- wears glasses
- his signature outfit is a blouse, topped over with a brown sweater, dark brown trousers and
dress shoes.
(hes really out of character btw since im only used to writing with naturally flirty and bold characters but ill try to make him into character as much as i can)

kaeya, love interest 2
- your crush
- high school friend that developed into a crush basically
- he's loud as hell
- his signature outfit is a trench coat, turtle neck, tight jeans and sneakers.
- oh and he doesn't wear an eyepatch
- kaeya with no brim

sucrose, best friend
- your bestfriend
- she was your first friend in university
- your personal hypewoman
- kinda dense but you love her
- signature outfit is a beret, a spaghetti top, a cardigan, a pair of loose jeans, and sneakers

yunjin, a friend/love interest 3 that would join later on (she's also a genshin chara btw!)

- another personal hypewoman
- supports your every move
- lowkey kind of in love with you
- signature outfit is a pink headband, a heart line dress and mary janes

more characters may be added accordingly

this is a work of fiction. the genshin characters belong to mihoyo, not me.

i'm excited to write this book,
and im hoping that you'll be looking forward to it as well!

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