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"Sucrose....W..Wait up... You're going too fast.." You pant, climbing up the slope while Sucrose is already reaching the top. It's the first day of university and someone is clearly excited, and that someone is Sucrose, not you.

"C'mon! Hurry up [Y/N]! Stop being a slowpoke! We're going to be late!" You hear Sucrose yelling from ontop the hill and you sigh.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not fit?! I'm almost there please hype me up." You say and Sucrose starts cheering for you. You couldn't help but laugh at that.

It's been about a month since you moved over to Korea, and everything's been going smoothly. You had become friends with Sucrose after finding out that you two were room mates and you two immediately clicked after that, making you two a pair of inseperable best friends.

Everything has been going smoothly, except for your (obvious) crush on your highschool friend Kaeya. He doesn't seem to notice that you like him, instead, he constantly friendzones you like nobody's business. Everybody around you has told you to give up, but since you're a bad bitch, bad bitches never give up.

You finally reach the top, and infront of you stood the building that says 'X University'. A tingle of excitement scratched at your heart as you grab Sucrose's wrist, pulling her along with you to the university campus.

You bid your goodbye to Sucrose before making your way to the Department for Arts building. You're excited, you can't lie. This was the start of your adult life, and doing something that you loved made it better. Your parents were really supportive of your decision to take Fine Arts, which you were really thankful of.

Without even knowing it, you were already infront of your lecture hall.

Opening the door, you are greeted by hundreds of eyes and the glare of your lecturer.

Well, to sum it up, you were late.

Embarrassed, you made your way to an empty seat beside a man with ashy blonde hair, his face adorned with a pair of round glasses. You see him move away the moment you sit beside him, also adjusting his glasses while he does so.

You give him a weird look, rolling your eyes as you place your bottle down on the table to take out your sketchbook and begin sketching. First, guidelines and then the face shapes, small ovals for the shape of the eyes. Unknowingly, you sketch out Kaeya's features and begin shading. By the time you were done with your drawing, the lecturer has already finished his talk and students have already begin pouring out of the hall.

Taking your sketchbook in hand, you make your way to the 'School of Sciences' building in your school to meet Sucrose. However, as you make your way there, your right hand begins to feel unusually empty. You stop in your tracks almost immediately, looking around to find what's missing before it clicked.

Your bottle.

Turning around swiftly, you run towards the direction of your lecture hall, with only the thought of your bottle in your mind. Unable to control your speed, you end up bumping into someone -- really hard-- the impact causing you to stumble back and fall on your ass, papers flying everywhere before landing on the ground.

"What the-" Your voice trails off when you lay your eyes on a hand drawn portrait of someone who looks awfully familiar. You reach your hand out to grab the paper, not even looking to see who bumped into you.



You and the person said at the same time. Snapping your head up, you make eye contact with the blonde guy from the lecture hall. He's in the same position as you, sitting down and holding your sketch of Kaeya. You gasp, covering your mouth in shock. What relationship does Sucrose have with this dude?

You could see a light blush make its way to his face before he snatches the paper from your hand, before standing up and adjusting his glasses. "You.." You point at him, but he immediately cuts you off mid sentence. "No!" He yells, gathering his stuff and running towards the opposite direction.

You stare at his disappearing figure, slightly dumbfounded.

He took my Kaeya drawing with him...

authors note

soso excited to write this book
i hope yall liked the prologue! we'll be moving onto the real stuff next chapter <3

happy reading!

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