24- yunjin extra

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a/n;  reminder that this is an alternate ending where you end up with yunjin instead (ALTHOUGH THIS IS AN ALBEDO BOOK BUT THE DEMAND FOR A YUNJIN EXTRA CHAPTER WAS HIGH😭) So this is Not Canon In Stay With Me Universe

this takes place after albedo confessed yunjin pulled u in the alleyway blah blah

word count; 3k (im genuinely unable to write short chapters anymore)
[EXTREMELY UNEDITED] i wrote this at 330 am so ignroe the mistaeks

"[Y/N], how long are you gonna stare at the damn TV for?" Sucrose yelled from behind the kitchen counter, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance in it. You have unknowingly occupied the television for 2 whole hours just watching idols perform.

Glancing at the clock that was about to hit 9 oclock, you leaned forward and placed your elbows on your thighs, mumbling nonchalantly. "Can you give me one more hour?"


"Damn, a hard no. If you disliked me you could just say so." You replied, still not tearing your gaze off the television screen. Sucrose sighed upon hearing your reply, only walking towards you and stirring the coffee cup in her hand.

"I thought we've already set rules-- Now why are you gaslighting me." Sucrose rolled her eyes, placing the cup on the coffee table infront of you, before plopping on the couch. "Which idol are you drooling over again?"

Sucrose moves her eyes to look at you, then immediately a switch clicked in her mind. "It's Yunjin isn't it." Sucrose blinks, and snickers the moment she sees your ears turn bright red. Slapping her back, you turn back to mumble curse words, unable to calm your palpitating heart at the mere mention of her name.

You may ask, what has happened over the years? What had changed?

Well, after that 'final meeting' with Yunjin, you did alot of thinking about who your heart truly desires. Was it the arrogant, aloof attractive dumbass Albedo, or was it the sweet, clingy and pulchritudinous Yunjin?

While you did spend many unforgettable memories with Albedo, you admit that you did feel something for him at one point, was he the one you truly wanted? Did your heart unintentionally find it's way to another?

Unable to make up your mind, you almost went insane ranting your heart out to Sucrose who listened to every word intently, before giving the lousiest advice you've ever heard. "Just go with your heart."

Okay, but what if my heart doesn't know who it wants. Have you not considered that scenario.

Was what you wanted to say, but you didn't want to cause any unnecessary miscommunication, so you just kept quiet. Anyways, you never approached Sucrose for advice after that. Never again.

Finally gathering yourself together, you decide to isolate yourself until you understood your feelings better and finally come to a decision. After a few days of not interacting with the outside world, it was time to touch some grass.

When Sucrose saw you step out of your room looking more disheveled than usual, she shot you a look of concern before throwing a towel at your face and pointing towards the shared toilet.

Before you could enter the toilet, she stops you and asks. "So? Who's the lucky person?" She takes a sip of her chrysanthemum tea after asking. You stay silent for a moment, before replying.

"They're both amazing people, it's hard to come to a decision." Even after a few days of self-isolating, you still couldn't make up your mind. Time was running out and you had to do something before you regret it. You knew you had to, but your mind was in a muddle, making you unable to fathom anything at all.

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