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time skip, 5 months.

"[Y/N]." Sucrose leans against your doorframe with her hands crossed. You, on the otherhand, don't budge from your position, let alone reply your roommate. Breathing out with hearts in your eyes, you stare out of your window in a dazed state.

"Stop simping." Sucrose shoves her hand infront of your face, causing you to jump from surprise. You pout, but Sucrose doesn't pay any mind to it. "Who are you thinking about?" She asks, going behind you and braiding your hair.

"Ka-" You shut your mouth almost immediately, not wanting to expose your crush.


"Ka..I think you heard me wrongly. I meant to say Xinyan. You know the new idol who just debuted? yeah her. I think I'm in love with her. She's so pretty and talented. I hope she marries me." You try to sound as convincing as possible, but Sucrose gives you a look as if showing that she doesn't believe it.

"I have some good news." Sucrose chimes in a high voice, and you could tell that she was obviously blushing. You hum in a suggestive tone, and she bursts out laughing. "Is the news about me or is the news about you?" You ask, and she points to herself. Nodding, you nudge at her with your elbow, a smirk making its way to your face.

It's been 7 months since you had started university here in Korea. Well, university life has been same as usual -- nothing too bad, other than Albedo who has been annoying you since the start. Speaking of Albedo, you and Albedo had did really well for the assignment, scoring an A+.

And your crush on Kaeya, well, had developed slightly more. Ever since the day he replied to your 'I love you', you have been thinking about his reply every single day, keeping you up at night, and the first thought that comes to your brain in the morning. Yes, you are down bad. Do something about it.

However so far, nothing much has changed.

Or has it?

Walking down the corridor with Sucrose, you hear murmurs and whispers coming from the students in the chemistry department. You look at Sucrose questionably, but she pays no mind to it.

"Kaeya!" You hear her shout, before running towards the older. Tilting your head, you're slightly confused about this situation. However, all thoughts leave your head when you see Kaeya's hands wrap around her petite figure affectionately.

You try not to break then and there, swallowing the lump in your throat and holding in the tears at the back of your eyes. You didn't want to jump into conclusions, and maybe -- and you really hope that you still have a chance.

"Wh.. What's going on here..?" You try not to sound upset. Sucrose releases herself from the embrace and pulls Kaeya's coat so that he's following closely behind her, before winking at you and whispering 'I'll tell you later!'

You are left standing in the middle of the corridor, dumbfounded.

Lesson passes by relatively quick; and you find yourself gazing at Sucrose's message intensely.

'Meet me at the cafe outside of the university! Bring Albedo along with you too~'

Propping your chin up with your hand, you sigh, gaining the attention of the one beside you. Albedo peeks over at your phone, reading the message. "What's this about?" He asks, leaning back in his chair.

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