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a/n i wrote this at 130 in the morning pls parson the geammar and spellign mistkaes


"Where's Albedo?" Sucrose asks.

Shifting awkwardly, you whip out your phone to text the dude, but only for Kaeya to stop you from doing so. You tilt your head, slightly confused as to why he would do that.

"He's sick today."

"He's sick?!" You yell alittle too loudly, startling the couple. You really didn't want to walk to school today with the both of them sticking to each other like a pair of ball sacks. Sighing, you place your palm on your forehead, trying to think of an excuse to not walk to school with them.

"Do you wanna take care of him today? He's down with a really high fever and I'm worried he can't take the medicine by himself" Kaeya asks and you spit the gum you had in your mouth out, coughing. "Now why would I do that? I'm sacrificing my attendance for him? I think not-"

"Alright then, let's go."

"Okay fine! Wait!" You panic, falling into the couple's trap. You see the both of them look at each other suggestively, before Kaeya hands you the key to their dorm room. Cursing slightly when the cold metal touches your hand, you frown at both of them, a clear hint of dissatisfaction in your eyes.

"Be sure to tell your lecturer that you're sick too!" Sucrose winks, before intertwining her arm with Kaeya's, walking off together. You sigh once more, making your way to the male's dorm. Well, thank god you brought your laptop today. At least you can get your work done.

Reaching the floor of their dorm room, you stop infront of their door, fidgeting in your pocket to find the keys before slotting it inside the keyhole nonchalantly. You twist and turn, however, the door doesn't unlock.

You instantly give up, ringing the doorbell.

"Coming.." A muffled voice comes from behind the door, before it swings outwards and your eyes lay on a messy hair Albedo, whos in a set of baggy pajamas. You hold in your laughter, and the blonde doesn't have any energy to flip you off.

"Come in before I lock you outside." He says and you quickly enter their small apartment. As you take off your shoes, you see Albedo stumble alittle, but he manages to keep his balance. However, as he takes another step, he falls forward.


You immediately grab him by the arm and pull him back up, causing him to groan slightly. Helping him to his bed, he falls on it, breathing heavily.

"Kaeya really left you alone here like this? That sucks." You mutter, letting your hand rest against his forehead, gasping when it's alittle too hot. "I can't just hold him back. I told him to go." Albedo breathes out and you furrow your eyebrows.

"Well you're holding me back right now-"

"You deserve it."

"What- You know what I really don't want to question you anymore."

Albedo laughs weakily at that, eyes closing when you place a cold wet towel against his forehead. "Thank you. I'll buy you dinner next time." The blonde says in a soft voice, making you instantly snap your head towards him.

"The fuck did you just say?" Your jaw is on the ground right now, and you can hear Albedo sigh. "I said I'll buy you dinner."

"No, before that."

"You're a dumb bitch."

"You never said that?!"

"I said thank you. Damn, I'm not that big of a douchebag to not say thank you to someone who's helping me." You can see Albedo pout slightly, and you almost gag. However, you hold it in. He's sick, he's sick, you repeat in your head.

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