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before we start,

"Get off of her, if not she's never going to concentrate." Albedo sighs, looking between you and the black-haired girl repeatedly. Yunjin, however, pays no attention to the blonde's statement -- instead, she hugs you even tighter, pushing out her tongue to make fun of him. You hear Albedo scoff, before giving her a glare.

"C'mon, let her off! I'm not even complaining anyways." You smile when she looks up at you with puppy eyes. Melting, you pat her head softly, earning a small hum from her. "And then you're going to complain about not being able to finish your work on time AND blaming it on me all over again." Albedo raises his eyebrow, leaning back onto the cafe chair.

Today was supposed to be one of your study dates with Albedo -- until you bumped into Yunjin in the school of Arts building; you found out that she was majoring in Fashion Design, which is extremely suitable for her. She ended up leeching onto you, insisting to follow the both of you to the cafe.

So that's how you ended up in this situation.

"You're so harsh, it's not like I'm not doing my work at all right? I manage my time really well, so you won't have to worry." You smile, typing into your computer. Albedo continues eyeing the girl warily, before continuing to do his own project.

Of course, time passes really quickly.

At this point, Yunjin has already passed out on the table and sleeping soundly, while the both of you are working hard. With the final click on the keyboard, you groan loudly before stretching your arms infront of you. Albedo finally packs his items, before slinging his backpack on his shoulder. "Hurry up. I'll walk you home." He pipes out, in which you reply to him with a sigh.

"But.. she's not awake.." You sling your totebag on your shoulder too, before reaching your hand out to tap the sleeping girl. However, Albedo stops you from doing so by grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the cafe.

"Wha- You're going to leave her sleeping there?! That's not right! I'm going back." You pull your hand out of his grip aggressively, before turning on your heels and walking back to the cafe. Rolling your eyes, you think about how 'un-gentalmanly' Albedo was for leaving the poor girl sleeping there. No guy should ever do that, especially when it's at night and dangers lurk.

"[Y/N]." Albedo trails behind you annoyingly.


"If you wake her up, she's going to cling onto you again."

"Hah," You scoff. "So that's the problem? Is that what you care about when there's a more serious problem here?" You turn to look at him with a surprised expression on your face. He isn't fazed though, he simply crosses his arms and catches up to you.

"Yes. I mean, she's been clinging onto you the entire day. Who the hell likes clingy people? At this point she might as well live in your house-"

"Albedo, do you know how dumb you sound right now? She's literally vulnerable in that cafe. Anybody can do anything to her. Can you use that chemistry brain of yours for once? Damn, big fucking forehead but no brain. Great. Go get your EQ up for once." You continue walking, fuming at this point.

"Are- Are you serious right now? Do you like her or something?"

"Yeah -- More than you at least. I don't care whether you like it or not, get your ass in that cafe and wake her up." You point to the entrance of the cafe, in which Albedo replies with a glare. Dragging his feet, he makes his way into the cafe.

He comes out with a slightly drowsy Yunjin, whose energy is all drained out. You could tell that she was extremely tired since she was not her usual bubbly self; so you call a cab to bring her home. Before she left, she placed a small peck on your cheek before waving goodbye.

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