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"Good morning, rise and shine! Care to explain why you're in my lover's house?" A voice chimed, and almost immediately, Albedo opens his eyes. Groaning, he puts up his hand and gestures a '5 more minutes', which is slapped away by an unknown hand.

Albedo goes extremely still.

Turning to look at the crouching girl beside him, his eyebrows immediately furrow and he sits up, panicking. He scans his surroundings for a few seconds, before heaving a sigh of relief. "What are you talking about. Why are you even here, Yunjin." The blonde deadpans, earning a small giggle from the bubbly girl.

She stands up, only to plop down onto the sofa he was once asleep on, turning to look at him in amusement. "I asked first, what are you doing in my lover's house?" Yunjin twirls her hair, side-eyeing Albedo.

To be honest, it's too early for Albedo to deal with her shit. Struck by an extremely death inducing hangover, the blonde is unable to strike back with a bigger insult. Therefore, he sighs once more. He thinks that he could probably fill the entire living room with the carbon dioxide he's heaving out each second.

"[Y/N] is my lover, are you genuinely okay? I don't know who gave you the permission to come into the house anyways. [Y/N] isn't a morning person, I don't think they'll even let you in." Albedo says matter-of-factly, in which Yunjin simply chuckles in return. At this point, the blonde is getting extremely frustrated at the stubborn being infront of him.

"Their roommate let me in," Yunjin shrugs nonchalantly, which only ticks Albedo off even more. Ignoring the anger that seeps into his bones, he looks towards your room door, not wanting to listen to any more of her bullshit. "But, of course! That's not the point. I declare [Y/N] as my lover from today onwards!"

"You can't do that?" Albedo pipes out slightly more aggressively now, which Yunjin chuckles at. He could see the sides of the girl's mouths turn up into a mischievous grin annoyingly -- The blonde contemplating whether to just pack his stuff and leave, ending the conversation completely.


"Everybody probably knows, Bed." Yunjin emphasizes on the nickname, which Albedo immediately stiffens, turning to look at the black haired girl with a confused expression. "Who the fuck is Bed. Just say my full name." The blonde interrupts her, but Yunjin pays him no mind.

"You two are so painfully obvious that it hurts me. It's so obvious that you two are fake dating each other. And since [Y/N] isn't actually taken, I have every right to make them mine." She pipes out.

Gritting his teeth, Albedo crosses his arms, shooting a murderous glare at the girl. "Keep it down. Sucrose is in the other room and she can hear everything." He glances at the closed bedroom door, before looking back at Yunjin. She hums in amusement, before standing up and waltzing towards the bedroom door. "So you like-"

"That's enough." Albedo cuts her mid sentence, standing up from the sofa. Even if Yunjin was doing this all for fun, it has crossed the line. Fuming, the blonde makes his way to her, before pulling her to the balcony where their conversations would be muffled due to the construction noise.


"Oh! I'm not threatening you or anything, I just want the best for [Y/N]. She just looks tired of you sometimes." Yunjin smiles painfully sweet, leaning against the railing of the balcony.

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