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It's nearing the end of the academic year, and final assignments are being issued out to everybody.

Well, you too are flooded with assignments, since Art and Design students never get any rest. You never really had the time to think about Albedo after the entire fiasco, since you spent most of your time and nights doing your assignments.

You never bothered to even call him up, or ask how he's doing. You have been feeling regretful about your actions and to be honest, you just want to lie on the bed and not get up for the next few weeks. Of course, to keep your mind off of things, you had to do work.

Classes usually start slightly later now; at around 12pm, you're required to report to campus and do your assignment in the lecture halls as supervision. And trust me, you have spotted Albedo in the corner of the hall doing his work -- alone, you may point out.

You feel bad. You actually do for once- no, you've been feeling bad for this entire period of silence. You did try talking to him, but he always ends up busy with someone else or walking away.

What part of 'See you in school' is that?!

You can't blame him though, afterall, if that was you, you would be doing the exact same thing. That's what makes you frustrated. However, you learnt to let go and focus on the more important things in life and school.

There's no time for relationships now. It's time to get my GPA up.

You sit up straight, lifting your hand before placing it down onto the table softly, sketching a thin line before the shrill ring of the doorbell interrupts you -- causing you to flinch and draw an erratic line down the paper. You close your eyes in pain, wincing at the thought of crumpling and throwing this perfect piece of paper away.

Seeing that Sucrose wasn't coming out of her room, you decide to take matters into your own hands. Stomping towards the entrance, you open the door.

You are met by two familiar teal eyes, looking right down at you. Upon seeing your form, his eyes widen, and you could see him stumble back slightly; a blush forming on his face.

"Albedo..?" You slowly trail off, holding the door wide open, allowing the brisk winter air to come in. You curse due to the sudden change in temperature, hands flying to your arms and rubbing it to create some fiction. "Sucrose! I think he's here for you or something, I don't know! Get the hell out of your room, I'm freezing." You shout towards the inside of the apartment, before looking back at the blonde.

To be honest, he's the last person you want to see right now.

Holding your arms tightly, you wait impatiently for the green-haired girl to come out of her room, but all you can hear is shuffling and tumbling. You sigh, since you just want to get this over with and go back to doing your work.

Your hands are freezing cold.

Albedo notices your behaviour -- he walks towards the door frame and leans against it, shielding you from the winter wind that might just freeze you even more. Dumbfounded, you can't decide whether you want to say thank you, or just to walk away without a word.

"How's your final assignment going?" You start off awkwardly, and in return, the blonde looks away with his lips shut. "Okay." He mutters out, with no intention of continuing the conversation. At this point, you're done with waiting for Sucrose. Leaving the dude at the door frame, you walk into the apartment, before knocking Sucrose's room slightly aggressive.

"Sucrose, he's here. If you don't come out in 3 minutes, I'll tell him to leave."

"Right..right! Hold on -- Oh! Would you like to join us, [Y/N]? We're going to the arcade!" Sucrose fumbles with the knob of her door, and right after that, you hear a thud and a groan from the girl. "During final exams period?" You raise your eyebrow at her offer, which she simply responds with. 

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