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"Stop daydreaming and do your work." Chimes the guy infront of you. Looking up from your laptop, you see Albedo eyeing you with his eyebrows furrowed.

Why on earth are you sitting infront of Albedo you may ask?

Well, since you both agreed to have regular 'dates', Albedo ended up asking you out for a study date to get rid of any suspicion arising from the couple. But because you absolutely love procrastinating and doing nothing, Albedo have been reminding you to 'Snap out of it and continue doing your project'.

It's not like he's your mom or your teacher anyways, so you refuse to listen to him. This dude is too much of a good two shoes.

Giving the blonde an annoyed look, you take a sip from your coffee aggressively as if telling him to back off. Albedo, however, pays you no mind and goes back to doing his work. "If you don't do well for this project, don't blame it on me. I've warned you." He mutters out, not even looking up from his laptop.

You roll your eyes, giving him a dead glare. "So we're guilt tripping people now?" You cross your arms, leaning against the back of your chair. You could hear him sigh, before sitting up straight and staring at you dead in the eye. "Do you even know what guilt tripping means?" The blonde pushes his glasses up, before moving into the same position you're in.

"Not at all."

"Then don't speak."

Somehow, you obediently listen to him, immediately going back to the laptop and scrolling through the document. However, the silence between the both of you is interrupted by a loud notification sound coming from your phone. You jump at the sudden noise, glancing at the guy infront of you whos (obviously) glaring at you, as if asking you to turn off the damn phone.

You bow alittle, as a sign to say sorry before checking your phone. But the moment you see the message, you feel like you'll faint on the spot.

Sucrose <3

Double date? :D

Cursing underneath your breath, you turn to look at Albedo once again, who gives no shits anymore and doesn't even look at you. You kick him from underneath the table to get his attention, but he simply stomps onto your shoe, making you yelp loudly. Well, that yelp got everybody's heads turning.

Man, sometimes you just wanna grab him by the head and slam it into the wall repeatedly.

"I was just trying to get your attention.. damn.." You stutter out in pain, showing the message to him. He briefly glances up before looking back at his laptop. "Tell her that we'll go." He says nonchalantly. You give him a weird expression, in which he looks up at you, not fazed at all.

"But we're on a study date right now? And I haven't finished my project."

"Well, that sounds like a you problem because I'm already done. So we're going no matter what."

"Wha- That's not fair to me."

"I've told you to concentrate and your work but you didn't want to listen."

"It's not my fault that I have difficulty concentrating?!"

"No, it is absolutely your fault." Albedo closes off, packing his laptop in his laptop pouch before sipping his cup of tea. You groan at him, reluctantly packing your laptop as well.

And to be honest, you're mad. You do know that this was entirely your fault for procrastinating, but, you at least hoped that he'll let you finish it up before heading for the double date, but well, thaat's not really the case here.

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