23 - christmas special

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Winter was especially cold this year.

Wrapped in your fluffy green blanket, you watch as the snow fell endlessly outside your shared apartment, a blanket of white covering the streets outside.

From infront of you came a familiar christmas carol that you've listened to since you were young, and the room was illuminated by the greens and reds from the christmas lights.

And with a click of a door, in comes somebody's heavy steps, before the shuffling of a winter jacket. You turn to see who had returned from their trip, and of course it could be none other than your boyfriend Albedo.

"Welcome home, stupid." You try to bite back the grin making it's way to your face, standing up almost immediately upon seeing the figure at the door. Albedo smiles in return, opening his arms up for you to fall into his embrace.

His embrace is nice and warm, and you can't help but stay in that position for awhile before retracting. "Where's my present?" Albedo asks almost immediately -- jokingly of course -- which causes you to roll your eyes almost immediately.

"It's not christmas yet." You pause, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. You stay silent for a moment, before running into the room to grab something. Albedo could only stand in his position in confusion.

You make your way back infront of him after grabbing said item and placing it on your head. Albedo's eyes twinkled slightly when he realised what you were trying to get at, grabbing both of your shoulders in delight.

"Are you sure..? Today?" Albedo's voice is high as he says this, a prominent blush slowly but surely making it's way to his cheeks.

Confused, you tilt your head, signifying that you don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Did the 'No-Nut-November' challenge get to his head or something?

When you realise what he was talking about, your face gets slightly hot. "I don't mean it in that fucking way you pervert!" You yell, slapping his back with your right hand, earning a pained groan from Albedo, who immediately defends himself with both of his arms.

"Okay--Okay! I'm sorry, damn! It was a joke!" Albedo manages to croak out between the both of his arms. Only then did you finally retract the hand that was raised in position for another attack, clearing your throat.

"Anyways, I made you hot chocolate. If you want, let's bake a cake together." You mumble, slightly embarrassed. You're not very used to showing affection openly, and especially infront of this asshole named Albedo.

Albedo seems to stand there, dumbfounded, but also at the same time elated. When you make eye contact with him, he immediately pounces on you, showering you with endless kisses. "God, I like you so much [Y/N] I think my heart might stop from beating so quick."

Upon hearing this, you couldn't stop the furious blush that made it's way to your cheeks as you try to shove this human koala off of you so you can get some work done. "I get it, I get it, now get off of me." You pat his head, in which he immediately listens obediently, slowly releasing you from his embrace.

Albedo then goes into your shared bedroom to change, leaving you a blushing mess. Your legs are weak, you can barely stand -- So you drop to the ground and bury your head in your hands.

"That fucker and his smooth ass mouth..." You pinch the skin between your eyebrows.

It didn't take too long for you to pull yourself together and finally stand up to prepare the ingredients. You began making the hot chocolate for yourself first, so that the both of you can quench your thirst while making the cake together.

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