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"You look horrible." Sucrose says the moment you enter the house.

Too tired to answer back, you simply nod your head, before walking to the couch and throwing yourself on it. Your roommate raises her eyebrow, obviously judging you as she looks at you from head to toe. "You've been crying."

"Yeah." You reply, with no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Did something happen? Who do I need to beat up?" Sucrose rubs her fist menacingly, but she looks far from intimidating. Raising your hand and waving it, you indirectly tell her to shake it off and talk about something else. However, the green haired girl persists.

"I won't leave you alone until you tell me what's wrong. Your eyes look like coochie lips. Of course I would be worried." Sucrose sits down on the edge of the sofa, right beside your legs. You sigh, flipping her off. "Thanks for the compliment. Really appreciate it." You groan into the cushion, your eyes feeling extremely dry.

"I'm being serious here, [Y/N]. I'm genuinely worried, so please tell me what's wrong." She rubs your back, in which you turn around and look at her immediately. "Promise you won't get mad?" You say warily, sitting up so that your roommate can sit properly on her couch. She nods, and holds out her pinky. "I promise."

You start out by explaining the entire situation to her, about how you liked Kaeya, how you and Albedo were in this fake relationship for months, and the recent events that took place. She nods, making several unreadable expressions throughout your entire explanation. By the time, you finish, she's staring at you with a blank face, as if unable to comprehend what you just said.

You open your mouth again, wanting to explain more of the situation to her but she flips you off almost immediately after you said your first word. "Why... why did you just do that." You're taken aback by her sudden reaction, staring at her hand, then back to her.

"You should've just told me! I would've backed off!" You can see tears brim at the tip of her golden eyes, instantly shooting panic into your veins.

"I..It's okay, Sucrose! Nothing to cry about! The past is the past, I'm fine now -- Wait, why are you more upset about that than me being in a fake relationship with Albedo.." You question her response, which she laughs briefly at.

"I mean, I did doubt it at first. So I'm not very surprised. But you two fooled me, because you actually looked as if you in love with him, and he actually looked as if he was in love with you. Plus, I kind of found it out the day Yunjin came over to our house. We gossiped all day when you two were gone for your walk." She recounted, giggling the moment she remembered something funny Yunjin told her.

You nod your head in response, mouth forming into an 'O' showing that you got what she said. She raises her hand to pat your head, before placing her hand ontop of yours. "[Y/N], I think you should go for it. It's now or never, and I don't want you to regret making a move." Sucrose grins at you, before checking the time on her watch.

"I planned to meet him at 8pm tomorrow. But, considering the situation, I think you should go meet him instead of me. Don't forget to tell him how you feel." She stands up, waving at you before entering her room without hearing your reply.

"I didn't even agree to that! I need more time to think." You shout, in hopes that she would hear and come right back out to lecture you, but instead, she does not pay you any mind. "You have the entire afternoon and night to think, [Y/N]. You either shoot your shot, or regret not doing so." She replies nonchalantly, and you take the hint to end the conversation there.

And as Sucrose's advice, you spent the entire afternoon thinking; even while painting, even while typing essays, Albedo has never left your mind since the talk with Sucrose. You wanted to figure out what emotions you felt while you were with him, how your body reacts to his presence, and the way you felt when you saw him and your roommate together on that day.

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