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His dorm is the other way....

You think as you look towards the direction of his dorm before heaving a large sigh. As you near the end of this academic year, you're also finishing up the pieces needed for your final assignment which is for an exhibition. This also means that you'll have to report to campus more often than before, due to certain preparations.

And of course, more time on campus equals to seeing Albedo more often too.

After that day, Weeks have passed and you never talked to him much at all. Albedo didn't take the initiative to talk to you either.

At one point, you realised that he was avoiding you again. You were confused as to why he was doing it once again. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? You don't know either.

But as you have reminded yourself multiple times, girl bosses do not give less than a shit.

Of course, when you say that, you actually kind of care. The way he swerves the other direction the moment you approach him, the way he dodges your high five, the way he immediately looks to the floor the moment he makes eye contact with you says everything. And at this point you're frustrated, unable to understand him.

Have you ever been able to understand him though?

You have tried to approach him countless times in campus, but each and every time you do, he finds a way to escape speaking to you, or even be in your surroundings.

And the only thing you can truly say now is that you're done. You're done with him avoiding you and not explaining. You're done with him being angry and sensitive with every action you make. And oh, you just want to shout that all in his face. But how can you, when he refuses to appear infront of you?

Today, you feel particularly brave -- you can't tell whether it's because of your unbelievably hot outfit, or its because you're just so ready to hear an explanation from him.

Hugging the few canvases you have finished close to you, you make your way to campus, eager to confront him with a proud front. Well, before all that, you had to attend a bunch of final briefings, and some critique sessions before you're released. And during this entire time, you could see Albedo at the corner of your eye, nonchalantly spinning his pen as if nothing happened.

The moment your professor closes his laptop, you stand up straight, stumbling a little when your vision goes black from the sudden movement. And the moment you finally gain your consciousness, the blonde is nowhere to be found. You curse under your breath, running out of the lecture hall in a hurry.

Amongst the crowd in the hallway, you could spot his small blonde ponytail peaking out of the sea of black hair.

Mouthing small 'Excuse me's as you squeeze through the ocean of people, you finally exit the Arts building -- but you have already lost the dude. Taking a deep breath, you run towards the exit of the school, in hopes that you'll catch him there.

And, you're right. He was just exiting the school.

"A..Albedo!" You call out to him, panting. You see his form immediately stiffen up the moment he hears your voice, and instead continues to walk faster. Your eyes widen, before running to catch up with him. With a final step, you put your hand on his shoulder, stopping him from moving forward.

"Damn.. what's with you.." You pant, placing both hands on your knees.

"What's with me?" He says sarcastically, not even turning back to look at you.

"Shut up. Anyways, why are you avoiding me again?" You ask, inwhich he just sighs greatly. "Why do you always think I'm avoiding you? I have better things to do than that." He murmurs, still not facing you.

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