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You are unusually quiet.

Sucrose has noticed that, and she takes a break from studying to turn to look at you. "You look really deep in thought, did something happen?" She asks, placing her pen flat on the table. You open your mouth to explain the situation to her, but you refrain yourself from doing so. You know that the blonde dude wouldn't want you disclosing his secret to Sucrose, so you simply explain the incident to her without mentioning the drawings.

"He ran away without even apologising!" You rant, and Sucrose listens, nodding her head.

"Does he have teal eyes?" Sucrose asks and you give her a weird look.

"Where is this even coming from?"

"Just answer the question."

"Well, yeah-"

"It's him." Sucrose says and you tilt your head. "Him?" You ask and she nods her head, sticking her index finger out to point at you. You scratch your head, not understanding her point. "His name is Albedo. He wears glasses right?" You nod your head in response, and she clicks her tongue.

"You know him?" You ask and she nods. "So you're dating-" Before you could finish your sentence, Sucrose slaps her palm onto your mouth, stopping you from saying whatever you wanted to say next. You furrow your eyebrows, hands raising to remove her hand from your mouth but to no avail. For some reason, she's really strong.

"We're just high school friends. Don't twist our friendship like that." Sucrose says, slowly removing her hand from your mouth, a trail of your saliva sticking onto her palm, from your attempts of removing her hand from your mouth. Sucrose shoots you a look of disgust, before wiping her hand with a tissue.

"Friend?" You ask and she smiles.

"Albedo and I were really close friends. We both really loved chemistry and we often fantasise about the unknown possibilities of chemistry together. We always ate together, studied together — we were basically attached by the hip. A lot of people thought we were dating, but I can't seem to see him in that way. But anyways, we were actually supposed to take chemistry together in University, but Albedo decided that he would take fine arts since he was better than it. I was upset, of course, but it was his choice and I need to respect it." Sucrose tells you, her eyes glancing out of the window to admire the scenery outside your dorm room.

"Have you ever thought of being something more than just friends at least?" You ask, feeling slightly bad for the guy. "We are more than friends." Sucrose says, turning back to look at you again and you gasp, thinking that Albedo would have a slight chance. "We are best friends!" You hear her say, and you immediately face palm.

Poor dude. He just got friend-zoned twice.


Another day, another bunch of lectures.

You walk into the lecture hall with a laptop in one hand, a coffee in the other, slightly tired due to the lack of sleep. However, all the exhaustion leaves your body the moment you spot the guy named 'Albedo' sitting at the back of the lecture hall. With a skip in your step, you make your way towards him, with the intent to interrogate him. When he notices you walking towards him, he immediately closes his notebook and stands up to find another seat, but you stop him from doing so.

He gives you a deadpan expression, before adjusting his glasses with his middle finger, trying to flip you off. You roll your eyes at him and gesture for him to sit down, and he does what you says obediently. Smirking triumphantly, you sit on the seat beside him, unpacking your stuff. He doesn't move a single muscle, as if waiting for youto speak first.

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