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Its silent between you two.

After the fight, none of you actually talked; busy with assignments and packed with schedules, you never had the time to speak to him and neither did he. And you may ask, what about the mornings when the group meets up? Well, you purposefully come later than usual so you don't end up alone with Albedo; but however, that's not the case for today.

Shifting awkwardly, you take another glance at your phone and checking the time.

It's almost 9am.

Sucrose didn't come home last night -- you don't know about Kaeya, but it seems like they had a very fun night. You try not to assume though, because you're just going to end up breaking your own heart even more if you continue thinking about it.

Considering how your class starts at 915am, you turn to give one last look through the gates of the dormitory before turning towards the blonde, whos eyes are glued onto his phone. He doesn't spare a look at you before standing up straight and walking in the direction of the university. You purse your lips, following behind him softly.


"Kaeya didn't come home too, if you're asking." Albedo speaks first, once again not looking up from his phone. You're getting restless at this point, catching up to him before blocking his way with your hand. He finally looks up --- but he doesn't make eye contact with you at all.

"Are you gonna look at me when you're speaking or not? It's disrespectful."

"You're not older than me, therefore it isn't."

"But it's basic manners."

"Guess what?"


"I don't give a shit."

You frown at his reply, walking infront him. "That's not what you said 3 weeks ago." You let your hands dangle freely on your sides, and upon hearing your reply, you could see Albedo's form stiffen from the corner of your eye. You stiffle in a laughter, because his reaction was exactly what you wanted to see. He catches up with you, placing his hand on your shoulder gently, stopping you from moving forward.

"Yes?" You look up at Albedo, who holds a sullen expression -- as if regretful. Not even once in the entire span of these few months have you seen him with such an expression; You widen your eyes, turning to face him completely. "You know that I didn't mean that." Albedo refuses to make eye contact with you again, hiding his emotions behind the reflection of his glasses.

Your eyes soften at his statement.

"I know." You let the sides of your mouth pull up into a small grin, before reaching out your hands to push his glasses up so that it's on the top of his hair. "It's okay. Oh and, you should really practice holding eye contact with me especially because you avert your eyes more often in awkward situations. No worries though, I'll be your practice doll." You let his glasses drop onto his nose bridge softly.

"P.. Practice doll..?" Albedo's expression clearly shows that he's extremely stunned by that statement -- he gulps a little too hard, resulting in him choking on his own saliva. "Damn.. I didn't ask you to think dirty." You chime as you rush over by his side, rubbing circles on his back but he pushes you away immediately, the back of his hand covering the lower part of his face as he coughs repeatedly.

"I..I'm fine. Just.. don't look at me right now. You can go ahead first. I left something in my dorm room." The blonde stumbles over his words, gesturing for you to go ahead without him. You're slightly concerned, but you're not dense, of course. Because underneath his blonde locks, you could see his cherry-tinted face getting redder and redder by the minute goes by. You chuckle triumphantly, satisfied that you made the dude blush from just your words. girl boss moment

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