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[UNEDITED] !!!! warning wrote this in the morning theres probably a bunch of grammar mistakes so becareful everybody

You find yourself slightly dazed.

After last night, your mind was unable to process anything that was happening at this moment. Looking over to your side, you see the sleeping Albedo with his hair sprawled out all over the pillow, snoring his ass off like nobody's business.

At first, you thought you did THE THING with Albedo, but then you remember that he ended up clinging onto you on the way back to your dorm lst night. Not only that, he didn't even allow you to leave.

So you just ended up reluctantly following him back to his dorm room and staying the night.

Sighing, you lie back down, facing him as he sleeps soundly. Albedo's jaw is left ajar as he takes shallow breaths, his blonde hair messy and disheveled from moving around. To think about it, this is the first time you've seen him with his hair down.

Unable to resist the urge to touch his hair, you gently place his hand on his face, you lightly pat down the static hair that was a result of a good night's sleep. At that moment, Albedo's eyes flutter open, and he simply lays his eyes on you.

A small blush adorns his face, and his eyes soften at the sight of you. You realised that your hand was still cupping his face, and in a moment you panic, wanting to withdraw your hand. But the blonde immediately places his hand on yours to stop you from doing so.

"Good morning." He smiles softly and you instantly melt. You can't seem to meet his eyes at this moment, as you think that he looks a little too good for a guy who just woke up. Albedo notices your odd behaviour, before he shifts closer to hug your waist.

Jumping at the sudden skin contact, you remember that you two are actually dating for real now. And the poor dude probably have been wanting this for awhile now. You sigh softly when he lets his head rest in the crook of your neck, embracing you tightly.

"What's with you?" You chuckle softly, hugging him back. Albedo doesn't say anything, he simply buries his face into your neck even further. The funny thing is, you can feel the heat radiating from his face to your neck.

"I don't know." He mumbles, the breath from his words slightly ticklish. He angles his head up so he's looking at you, before he places a soft peck on your lips. You draw back in shock, almost falling off the bed, but thankfully the blonde catches you before you do.

"If you're going to continue to be this clingy, I don't think I'm going to survive." You say when he finally releases you to sit up. Albedo grins at you, putting on his glasses. "Is it because you're embarrassed? you're shy?" He says in a suggestive voice, and you immediately cover your face with your hands.

"Partially. But it feels so weird seeing you act like this." You peek through your fingers to see Albedo smiling at you lovingly. He places his hand on your cheek, carressing it. "You're so cute." He chimes, unable to resist the creeping blush on his face.

"Get a room. Gut-wrenching. Stomach-churning. Repulsive. And most of all disgusting."

A familiar voice makes you jump up almost immediately, as you glance at the guy standing at the door. "Kaeya!" You gasp, finally releasing yourself from Albedos embrace. "How long have you been standing there?" You gulp, turning to look at the blonde who looks unbothered.

"You just described all the synonyms of disgusting. There was no need to add disgusting at the end." Albedo pointed out, and Kaeya pointed the middle finger. (a/n: LMAOAOAOFAPAO)

"Did you two you know... Because.. There was a bit of sound in here last night" He leans against the door frame, raising his eyebrows at the both of you.

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