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TW! Sexual harrassment, please proceed with caution. I'll mark out the specific part so ya'll can skip it if you want to!


You are awoken by a text notification.

Dear Freshman,

You are invited to participate in the 2021 X University Freshman Orientation! It will be held in a week's time, please report to the sports hall on that day itself blah blah blah goo goo gaga

Principal of X University

You groan, slightly frustrated as you skimmed through the entire text, before throwing your phone across the room. You can see Sucrose looking at you from the corner of your eye, so you sit up and turn your head towards her.

She's giving you a look that clearly says 'the fuck??'. You furrow your eyebrows at that, before walking towards the kneeling girl. "I know you aren't looking at me like that when you're kneeling down in the center of my room and rummaging through my closet." You say in your husky morning voice, and she stands up so that she's the same height as you.

"I was just picking out an outfit for you to wear on the orientation day. You need to stop wearing those musty sweatpants and dry-fit tshirt to school activities." She bites at you, and you feel slightly offended at that. "Excuse me, that clothes set is what makes me iconic. And it is not musty, its just comfortable." You retaliate, but Sucrose doesn't pay any mind to it, she simply just goes back to looking through your dark colored clothes.

"Didn't they provide an orientation shirt or something? I really cannot be bothered to dress up on that day if I'm going to end up sweating a ton anyways." You confess, and she gives you a deadpan expression, throwing one of your sweaters towards your bed. You stumble back, sitting down on your wooden floor. "That's not the point, [Y/N]." Sucrose mutters, reaching deeper into your pile of clothes before turning around to look at you.

"We're in University. We're basically adults now, and if I remember correctly, you've been single since you were born. Don't you want to get a boyfriend? There are many cute guys around campus, maybe if you put in some effort into dressing up for the orientation, there would be many guys and girls after you." Sucrose explains, and you shrug your shoulders. She has a point there, you admit. Being single is the life, but you're really deprived from affection. Maybe this is a chance to change that, and this time, you'll have Sucrose helping you with it.

Pursing your lips, you reluctantly nod your head, earning a big wide smile from Sucrose. She adjusts her glasses, pulls her sleeves up before continuing to look through your closet before she pulls out a long checkered tight skirt you hadn't seen in ages. To be exact, it was a skirt passed down to you by your mom. "I think this would look good on you. Maybe with a sweater?" She chimes, holding the skirt out to see whether it would fit on you. Nodding when it does, she places it on your lap gently.

"A sweater? Mind you, we're doing physical activities, Miss Sucrose." You argue, but she shuts you up by throwing a t-shirt at your face, muffling your words. "Simple. Oh, and wear some sneakers with it. Preferably white since your skirt is a beige-ish colour." Sucrose smiles, finally closing your closet door, before pointing at the clothes in your lap. She leaves your room without even putting the clothes she threw out of your closet back to where it was originally was, leaving you sitting in your room with a bunch of clothes surrounding you.

A week passes by and it's finally orientation day.

 You put on the outfit that Sucrose had planned for you, earning a thumbs up from Sucrose herself. "Do something about your hair, please. Or should I help you?" Your roommate asks, and you nod your head. She disappears into the living room for a moment, before throwing you a wig. You snap your head in her direction to see her laughing her ass off. "Ma'am we're literally going to be late." You say in a monotone voice, and she stops what she's doing and goes over to help you comb your hair.

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