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3 years later.

"[Y/N]? Are you ready yet?"

Albedo knocks on your bedroom door, before dusting off the dust on his clothes. It's finally your graduation day, and the blonde seems extremely excited to see you in a graduation gown. "I'm almost done.. But I think I look alittle weird..." You shout from inside the room, turning one big round before allowing your boyfriend to come in.

"C'mon, it can't be that bad right?" Albedo chuckles slightly, stepping into the room. The moment he lays his eyes on you, he bursts into laughter, holding the door handle to stop him from falling over. You roll your eyes, flipping him off. "I get it, I look bad. Now get out." You turn back to the mirror, before smoothing it out with your hands.

"I'm just kidding babe, you look good." The blonde hugs you from behind, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You roll your eyes in response, knowing that he's just trying to sweet-talk you again.

"Right." You murmur, pushing him away so you can exit the room, but he doesnt budge -- instead he takes your hand in his, before pulling you out of the room with a wide smile on his face.

In the midst of the sweet sentences that seem to spill out of his mouth every second, you find yourself already at the venue which was bustling with graduating students, teachers and parents -- the atmosphere is lively as you expected, balloons and colorful banners drapes itself from lamp post to lamp post.

You let your jaw drop in awe, a smile creeping onto your face. After 4 years of studying Fine Arts, you're finally free from this hell hole.

"[Y/N]!" You hear your name being called from behind you, and you somehow already know who it is. "Sucrose." You say her name before turning around to look at her. The green haired girl laughs in amusement, before throwing herself onto you.

"How'd you know it was me?" She smiles, hugging you tightly. You chuckle, patting the top of her head gently. "I just know." You reply nonchalantly.

After you and Albedo got together, Sucrose managed to solve things out with Kaeya but well! They didn't get back together in the end. Maybe you could say, it was something like right person, wrong time.

Kaeya's a womanizer so honestly, he could really pull anyone he wanted. But after their relationship ended, none of them went to find love at all. You still think that the two can patch things up, but things like this take time. Well, not really. It's been 3 years. Get a fucking grip you idiots.

"Can you believe it? We're already graduating university. Now we're adults adults. You know what that means?" Sucrose sighs in awe, her hands still hung loosely over your shoulders. 


"Great. Cause I don't know what it means either." The girl beside you laughs, before scanning the area. "Where's your boy?" She asks, her eyes wide and curious. You shrug, before pointing towards the buffet area. And sure enough, you see a pointy blonde ponytail which stands out from the rest. 

"You know him so well." Sucrose narrows her eyes, smiling. "I don't wanna disturb your lover time with him so, I'm gonna head off first. Maybe snatch a girl to make out with while I'm at it." 

"Snatch Kaeya to make out with instead." You giggle, earning a strong reaction from your bestfriend. "That was years ago, [Y/N]! My feelings have changed. Shut up." You can see that she's trying to ignore the tiny smile that climbed up her face upon hearing your joke. 

"Right. Have fun doing whatever you're doing!" You shout as she walks off to the distance, waving at you. 

Now you're just left alone in the middle of the place, slightly awkward and feeling out of place. 

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