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The silence in the room remains.

You and Albedo are sitting opposite each other, neither one of you are saying a word. To say that you two are feeling like shit is an absolute understatement -- you feel like you've been ran over by a truck multiple times.

"Let's talk." Albedo begins, and you look up at him, melancholy written all over your face. He sighs when you make eye contact with him, the back of his head colliding with the wall behind him. "I know you aren't feeling it right now, but I think we should talk about this entire situation."

You sniffle.

The teacup that was once warm has already lost its heat; a grey blanket drapes itself lazily over your shoulders, barely covering your arms. Sighing, you gesture for Albedo to continue whatever he was about to say. He raises his eyebrow, before crossing his arms.

"Do you want to set some rules? Some boundaries?" Albedo asks, his gaze laying on your weak form. You find your eyes stinging again at the thought of this situation. "Anything. I don't care at this point. You brought me into this anyways." You mutter out, earning a scoff from the blonde. You see him stand up, approaching you with an odd look on his face.

To your surprise, he slams his hand on the bed you were leaning on, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him in the eye. "So you're okay with this?" He says in a low voice, not breaking eye contact with you. Your eyes widen, and on reflex, you kick him in the chest, causing him to stumble back and hit his study chair.

"Y..You pervert! That's a pervy move! Of course I'm not okay with it!" You scream, wrapping the blanket around you tightly. Albedo groans in pain, but he overcomes it quickly. Sitting down with crossed legs, he furrows his eyebrows at you. "Therefore. We need rules and boundaries." He pipes out.

You can't even argue with that.

"Fine. You start with your rules first." You breathe out.

"Skinship? Only if its necessary. For example, infront of Sucrose and Kaeya. Holding hands is a must, hugging is okay but it depends on the situation."

Albedo pauses for a moment to seek your approval.

"No kissing. Whether is it hands, cheeks or lips. None of that. I don't care what the situation is. The moment your lips touch my skin, this fake relationship is over." You point at him, and he nods his head.

"If they ask for a double date, we go on the double date with them. When you're over, please refrain from flirting with Kaeya. I know you like him, but we're not trying to blow our cover here."

"I know better than that. Of course I won't flirt with him, Why are you talking as if I'm someone who would go after my bestfriend's man?" You pout, earning an eye roll from the blonde. "Because you're acting like it, dumbass." He raises his eyebrows and you flip him off.

"We'll have to go on dates regularly -- even if its not dates, I'll have to come over to your house often too." You say. Albedo nods at that, agreeing with your point. "We can end this in 5 months. I think 5 months is enough time to convince them that we're together. Then, we can say that we agreed to break up since we're getting busier with school work."

You hum at that.

"We have to think of a backstory for our relationship, you know." Albedo yawns, rubbing his eyes. You could tell that he didn't want to talk on this topic anymore, but neither did you. Taking a deep breath, you decided that you wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible.

"I can just say that I caught feelings after we worked together on the project. Although it doesn't seem like we like each other romantically, we indeed do. End of story." You finish, and Albedo nods his head in approval, closing his eyes.

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