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[edited slightly]

Who does he think he is?

You scream into your pillow, unsure of the emotions you're feeling right now. He really had the audacity to ask your dearest roommate and bestfriend to go out with him when you two just 'broke up' a few weeks ago. Who is he to use Sucrose as a 'rebound'?

At this point, you're just reaching because you're mad. Maybe it isn't that way at all -- and maybe it was all part of your imagination. But you can't help but feel a spark of anger everytime it comes to your mind. You have not been able to do normal daily things like washing the dishes, washing your clothes, or even showering without thinking of that confession scene.

I mean, why should you care so much? Afterall, you two weren't a real thing anyways. Maybe you're just feeling like this because you got attached to him in that few months. Plus, it's unfair that he's already making his move. You feel like you're getting left behind.

But what moves are you gonna make? At this point, you've already moved on from Kaeya and extremely ready to mingle.

But you declare that you must make your move no matter what -- Of course, you won't stoop down to his level; Confessing. However, you have to get back at him no matter what. Why? Because you never forget your morals. You never forget your three Gs. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. So true.

Grabbing your keys, you decide to make your way to Kaeya's dorm -- hoping with all of your heart that Albedo wouldn't be there. It would be good if he wasn't there anyways.

Within 10 minutes, you find yourself infront of the dude's apartment. Taking a deep breath, you let your fist hover awkwardly infront of the door, slightly regretting your decision of coming over

It was an impulse decision of course, and since you're already here, why not?

Knocking on the door nervously, you hear some shifting before the door opens lazily, revealing a messy-haired Kaeya -- WITH HIS HAIR UNTIED. Lord, you were about to drop onto your knees then and there. "[Y/N]?" He blurts out in confusion, and ooh, you were so close to just

You decide to keep it PG13 and get rid of all thoughts in your head; which resulted in you blankly staring at the blue-haired boy weirdly. "Earth to [Y/N]?" He repeats again, which finally snaps you out of your daydream. "Are you here for Albedo? Because he's not h-"

"No! I'm here for.. you.." You mumble towards the end, in which Kaeya widens his eyes in surprise. He scratches his head, before opening the door wider to let you in. He guides you into his room -- which is incredibly messy -- And to be honest, you're not even surprised at that. Kaeya has always been messy since highschool. You won't even be surprised to see boxers hanging from his ceiling fan.

Moving aside his pile of his clothes, you plop yourself on the carpeted floor before examining his room. 'Albedo's room is much more neater than this, that blondie should really teach-' The moment you realised what you were thinking about, you raise your hand and gave yourself a forceful slap in the face, stopping your thought process.

"Thinking about that asshole right here when I can think about Kaeya with untied hair? Unbelievable. I'm being so unbelievable right now." You mumble, rubbing the stinging pain in your right cheek. Kaeya stumbles in with two cups of water right after, before sitting down infront of you.

The atmosphere is slightly intense for awhile.

"Sucrose dumped you, huh?" You fiddle with the hem of your sleeves, before looking up to make eye contact with the blue haired-guy. He nods reluctantly, sighing. You could tell that he was clearly devastated from that event, as he points towards the big bouquet on his table which was placed nicely in a vase.

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