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Vibrations from your phone rocked the table, earning groans from the one sitting opposite you.

You open your eyes to the blinding light shining through the curtains, feeling refreshed from such a good nap. Hands reaching out for your phone, you attempt to stifle a yawn, not wanting to wake Albedo up. You ruffle your hair, wanting to make it neater but to no avail.


Your eyes immediately widen.

Your first class starts at 10.30am.

Panicking, you shake the sleeping Albedo awake, earning a '5 minutes' from him. "This is no time for 5 minutes!" You scream, running to the toilet, wanting to brush your teeth. But you remember, you're literally in Albedo's house. "Give me a toothbrush!" You yell, not hearing any response from the blonde.

He simply walks into the toilet, brushes his teeth, takes his bag and leaves. You panic, grabbing his mouthwash and gargling it before grabbing your stuff and running out of the house.

"Why won't you wait for me?!" You pant, finally catching up behind him. "You made me late." Albedo yawns and you scoff. "Excuse me? I was the one who woke you up." You chime while putting on your makeup, Albedo simply ignores you comment and continues walking.

"You need to stop ignoring me all the time! If not for me we could've been sleeping right now. Come on! Say thank you! Do I need to spell it out? T-H-A-N-K-" You are interrupted by a bread being shoved into your mouth. You curse at Albedo repeatedly, but all the vulgarities are being muffled by the bread. Albedo laughs at you, and you breathe out angrily.

You reluctantly eat the piece of bread, trailing behind Albedo in a mess.

It's 11.30am and you finally reach your university, rushing towards your lecture hall. Stumbling, you push open the door in panic, looking slightly dishevelled. Once again, all eyes are on you and Albedo.

You find yourself burning up under the stares of many, clearing your throat before entering the lecture hall. "Hold on there," Your lecturer chimes in a suggestive tone, pointing towards you and the blonde. "Why are you two entering together? Did something happen?"

The class erupts in a bunch of 'Ooh's and cheers for Albedo. You can't help but facepalm, your face getting even more red, heart thumping against your chest. You hated this, it was beyond embarrassing for you. Letting your mouth fall ajar, you tried to argue back, but no words seem to fall out of your mouth.

"It's nothing like that. We were working on the project til late last night, and we weren't able to wake up in time." Albedo explained. The lecturer nods his head, gesturing for you two to sit down. The murmurs, however, did not die down. You could only hang your head down in shame, walking towards an empty seat.

Class goes by smoothly after that.

Not very smooth though.

People have been staring at you and Albedo since you entered, and everytime they do, you simply glare at them, before putting your head back down on the table. "This was all your fault." You whispered to the blonde, and he flips you off in return. Rolling your eyes, you turn to look away.

"I helped you though." He whispers back. You pay him no mind, waving your hand to say thank you to him. Albedo smiles at that, before going back to listening to the lecture. You, on the other hand, is daydreaming.


Time passes by relatively quick, and it's already been 7 weeks since school had started -- meaning that you have 3 weeks left before you need to submit your assignment. Somehow, you find yourself in Albedo's room again, staring at your laptop blindly.

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