21- Yunjin's text

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Hey [Y/N]!

You probably will link this text with me sounding as if I'm going to D-Word, but I assure you, I am not dead. Moving on --

By the time you're reading this, I've probably dropped out from my Fashion Design course, and the word would've probably went around school considering how Knetz can't keep their mouth shut -- Anyways, you may ask why I decided to give up my course. (a/n; im joking here pls)

I have always felt as if Fashion Design wasn't my passion. Sure, I loved clothes, I loved being able to make them. But I just felt that, I wasn't truly happy. And I didn't like that at all.

You don't know this but, I used to be a famous performer when I was a child, and every time I'm on stage, I just feel as if I'm unstoppable and extremely exhilarant. No feeling can ever express how happy I am whenever I'm on a stage, infront of thousands of people and showcasing my talents.

Which then I realised, my true passion was performing.

At first, I was hesitant on pursuing my dream. My parents aren't there to support me both emotionally and financially, so who do I have? Who can I count on? But then, I just thought of you and all darkness seem to vanish the moment your face popped into my mind. I know that no matter where I go, or what I do, you'll always support me no matter what.

And so I took the next step forward. No longer doubting my final decisions.

And I think I would say that's one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I think I'm much more happier now, I have made new friends and I left the past behind me, and I plan to only look forward. I'm currently a trainee at Liyue Entertainment! I met a wonderful girl named Barbara and she's super nice to me, I'm sure we're going to get along well~

Okay, that's not the point of this message.

I just wanted to give you a short update about me, but the thing I'm most curious about is you!

Did you get him tiger? Rawr

I'm sure you did. After all, you two looked head over heels for each other this whole time. I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you, [Y/N]. And I really hope he treats you right. If he ever does anything to hurt you, contact me right away! I'll be right there to beat him up no matter what schedule I have!

Ah, I'm getting jealous.

You know, I wasn't planning on revealing this because I don't know how you would react, but I think I'll just tell you anyways.

I was in love with both you and Albedo. Crazy right? I felt scared at first, because this feeling felt so foreign. I didn't know whether it was because I liked you so much that I started liking that fake boyfriend of yours too. Ugh. Anyway.

The past is the past, and I don't think I want to talk about that anymore. I don't know when I'll see you again, but I really hope we do meet up soon if possible. Even if we can't.. Let's just text.

I want you to support me... on this journey as I become an idol. You're my main source of motivation, [Y/N]. And I want you to know that.

Promise me you'll tune in to whatever music show I debut on? Hehe.

Sadly, I have to sleep early for training tomorrow. But I genuinely hope things are going okay on your side. Once again, I love you [Y/N]. Thank you for becoming my purpose.

See you when I see you! <3


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