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You frown at the girl.

Tossing and turning, Sucrose finally decides to lay on her back before letting out a loud groan. You stare at her with wide eyes, obviously very confused. "Sucrose, if you need somebody to rant to, I'm literally right here." You sigh, glancing at her with a concerned expression.

Sucrose looks at you, before stuffing her face into her pillow.

"We broke up."

You snap your head towards her -- you can't really tell whether you're happy or sad that the two have finally seperated. You're supposed to feel happy, but instead of happiness, you felt uneasy. You don't really know why either.

"What? I thought you two were going strong?" You reply, sitting up straight and curious to hear her response. The girl immediately sighs into her pillow before side-eyeing you. "I saw him with a girl. And guess what? I asked him who it was and he wouldn't tell me. We fought and I told him that we should break up. He said it was a secret and that he couldn't tell me why he was with the gir. Unbelievable right?"

You scratch the back of your head, looking at her with weird eyes. You then put the pieces together and realised that their 9th monthsary was coming up and the poor dude was probably just trying to secretly come up with a surprise gift for Sucrose. However, in return, he got dumped.

Putting your hand to your head, you breathe out -- as much as you want to tell the girl that she got it all wrong, you figured out that she would refuse to listen to you until she gets some space away from Kaeya. "Sucrose, I'm just gonna say that you got this all wrong. Talk to me again once you're ready." You say, before leaving the girl to rest in her room.

Resting against Sucrose's door, you lean against it, before letting out a huge sigh. You have two things in your mind right now; to solve the conflict between Sucrose and Kaeya, or leave it be and finally 'break up' with Albedo. Of course, both options has its own pros and cons, but both are equally bad in its own ways.

On the brighter side, you'll be able to interact with Kaeya freely. But, it doesn't seem right at all, considering how they just broke up and how he's literally Sucrose's ex. You decide that you won't intervene at all, afterall, you felt that you are already losing feelings for him; thinking about him lesser nowadays, and even when he's around you, you don't feel nervous anymore.

You just feel normal around him.

However, the first stage is denial. You were scared to stop liking him because you spent your entire highschool life crushing on Kaeya -- you ended up convincing yourself that you still had feelings for him.

That's not the point though. The point is that Sucrose and Kaeya broke up, and that's all to it.

And you thought, maybe this is the best time to end things with Albedo so everything can go back to normal, like how things were before the couple happened.

You stand up straight, pulling out your phone and immediately texting the blonde before putting on a coat and rushing outside.


You see Albedo in a distance, leaning against the wall and staring at his phone intently. For a moment, you wanted to turn back since you were nervous, but ultimately, you pick yourself back up and walked towards the blonde. "Sup." You mutter out nervously, which he simply side-eyes you weirdly. "What?" He blurts out, clearly getting hot underneath your stare.

"We should talk." You start off, which he simply cuts you off by gesturing you to follow him -- and you somehow obediently do so. The dude doesn't say a single word until he stops in his tracks, pulling his hands out of his coat to point at the store that says '7ELEVEN'. You slouch your back, before giving him an expression that says 'Really?'. Albedo chuckles before pulling you inside to hide from the cold.

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