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"Where have you two been?"

Putting her hands on her hips, Yunjin turns around swiftly on the ball of her feet, before looking between the two of you suspiciously. You chuckle softly, bringing the small girl into your embrace -- you feel her flinch slightly, before wrapping her arms around you lovingly.

Albedo, on the other hand, stays too still, and if anybody were to walk by, they would've thought he was a statue or something. Turning your head to look at him, you could his face adorned by a small frown, and his eyes slightly wavering. Confused, you tilt your head at him, as if asking whether he was fine. Instead, he shakes his head, looking away.

"You don't have to continue doing this, [Y/N]." Yunjin whispers into your ear while still in your embrace, and in return, you gasp slightly from the sudden warmth on your ear. "What are you talking about..?" You pipe out, in which the black-haired girl simply chuckles at, she pulls away from the embrace before mouthing a 'I know about it'.

Your eyes widen for a second, immediately darting to Sucrose whos busy making her own snacks. Sighing in relief, you turn to look at the girl sternly. She, however, is her usual carefree self, smiling at you with crescent as her eyes. "I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to, Y/N!" Yunjin places her index finger to her lips, before winking at you.

"Right." You murmur, before patting her head. She hums into your touch, inwhich you get kind of flustered at. Albedo notices your change in manner, and abruptly forces your hand off the girl. You stumble backwards from the sudden pull, gasping -- The blonde notices your surprise, and didn't hesitate to support you from behind so that you wouldn't fall -- Biting your lip, you bow your head in return, saying your thanks.

Someone was definitely not happy about what happened.

Gritting her teeth, Yunjin grabs onto your wrist, pulling you towards her. "They're mine! Stop taking them away!" She pulls you towards her, suddenly stabilizing your balance. You groan in annoyance, looking between the both of them. "You do know that I'm not an object, right." You mumble. Your right hand was grasped in Albedo's hand tightly, while your left hand stays in Yunjin's grip.

"They're my lover. Let go of them." Albedo sneers, shooting a glare at the girl before pulling you once again, however, you don't budge. "They're mine!" The black haired girl doesn't back down, instead, she only grips onto your wrist tighter. Oh, you literally just want to disappear right now. Sighing, you try to wrench your hands out of their grips, however, to no avail.

You're extremely embarrassed.

Clearing your throat, you avoid eye contact with the both of them, before letting your hands fall limp against the palms of their hands. They notice your sudden change in body language, inwhich they both loosen their grips. "You two are acting like kids right now. I really just want to get my project over and done with." You exhale, letting your head drop down. The two is silent as they slowly remove their hands from your wrist,

"I.. I won't back down!" Yunjin declares, before walking past Albedo and sitting down on the couch. You follow soon after, before sitting down infront of the TV. You actually lied about doing the project so that the two won't bother you anymore. No, you are not regretful or doing that. Any longer, your wrist would've turned purple due to the lack of blood flow.

"Right. As if [Y/N] is going to let you claim them." Albedo rolls his eyes, before leaning on the counter of the kitchen. The two are having another stare down again, before you stand up abruptly to go get drinks. You honestly couldn't be bothered to deal with their kiddy fights anymore, so you decide not to give a shit at all.

Of course, no one will let you do that.

Grabbing your wrist, Albedo pulls you towards him so that you're directly infront of his chest. You stagger alittle, before turning to look up at the blonde whos face is adorned with a triumphant smirk. You place a hand against your head before huffing out a breath since you know where this is about to go.

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