iv ~ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟 ♔

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"Anha zhilak yera

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"Anha zhilak yera."


Khal Drogo sat around a fire with his bloodriders, drinking ale from a horn that served as a tankard.
Laughter spilled from the group of bloodriders as they cradled women in their laps, pinching their ass cheeks and placing sloppy kisses upon their lips.

The Great Khal, becoming needy, stood from his spot and made his way towards the Targaryen twins' animal-skin tent.

Rhaenaerys Targaryen was laying atop her bed as she read one of her many books.

Footsteps from outside stole her attention as she watched Khal Drogo, bare as the day he was born, walk into the tent. Rhaenaerys' mouth slightly gaped at the size of Drogo, her thighs clenching together in eagerness. Rhae closed her book and stood from the bed.

Rhae began to undress herself, letting her thin fabrics slide to the ground, presenting herself to Drogo, even though he'd already seen all of her.

Rhae slowly, tauntingly, walked towards the Great Khal. Her soft fingers found the Khal's standing pillar, rubbing her hand along his size.

Khal Drogo eagerly lifted Rhae from the ground and onto the bed with animal-fur-blankets atop it.

Drogo stood above Rhae, drinking in her bare-body before him. Rhae spread her legs, her eagerness getting to the better of her. Drogo smirked in triumph, placing himself between Rhaenaerys' wet thighs.

Before Drogo could place himself inside of her, the violet-eyed Targaryen flipped them so she could look upon his face. The Khal did not reject this action, in all honesty, it only enticed him further.

Rhae slowly lowered herself onto Drogo, getting herself comfortable with his size before she began to sway her hips with him inside of her.

Drogo placed his hands on Rhaenaerys' waist as she continued to sway atop him, staring into her eyes, taking notice of the small flecks of plum in them.

Khal Drogo sat up to be eye-level with Rhaenaerys Targaryen, the silver-haired girl wrapping her arms around Drogo's broad shoulders.

"Anha zhilak yera."

Rhae smiled, placing a sweet kiss to the Khal's lips. Drogo grinned into the kiss, before standing and beginning to dress himself.

Rhae continued to cheekily smile to herself as Drogo's footsteps faded as he walked out of the tent.

Rhae looked towards the chest holding the eggs inside it. A hissing sound rang throughout Rhaenaerys' head, the same sound she had heard in her dream some days ago.

Rhaenaerys Targaryen smirked before she grabbed her book and continued her reading.

ꕥ 𐂃☀︎︎𐂃 ꕥ

Khal Drogo and his bloodriders had been hunting throughout the day.

Once they finished with their hunting, Khal Drogo found Daenerys Targaryen and, roughly, bedded her inside his tent before leaving to fill his stomach on the meat that had been killed earlier.

Rhaenaerys Targaryen had been riding her and her sister's white-mare throughout the Khalasar's camp, stopping and dismounting outside of the Khal's tent, as she heard soft whimpering from inside of it.

Rhae softly questioned.

Daenerys' voice shook as she spoke.

Rhae sat beside Daenerys on the Khal's bed, beginning to rub soothing circles on her twin's back.

"You said it would get easier, Rhae. When?"
Daenerys questioned as tears leaked from her eyes.

"I don't know, Dany."

"Please, Rhae. Please, make it easier." Daenerys sobbed, wanting her twin to make all of her problems magically disappear. Rhaenaerys brought Daenerys into her arms, hushing sweet nothings to her crying sister.

"Hush, sweet sister, we are the blood of the dragon. We must have fire in our eyes not tears." Rhae whispered, gently rocking Daenerys.

After a couple minutes of Daenerys' heartbreaking cries, she has fallen asleep in her twin's arms. Not having the heart to leave, Rhae made herself comfy before letting sleep consume her, as well.

ꕥ 𐂃☀︎︎𐂃 ꕥ

I stare at a great pyre in front of me. The night's sky shinning above me. In my hands, lie the green and white dragon eggs.

Daenerys stands beisde me, the black and cream dragon eggs in her hands.

We both look at one another, knowing expressions on our faces. Slowly, we begin to walk towards the pyre.

The flames burn away our clothes as we sit ourselves inside of the pyre. Our four dragon eggs lay in front of us as the smoke rises further and further.

When the dawn rises, the sound of baby dragons' singing fills our ears.


Dothraki Translation -

Anha zhilak yera - I love you


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