vii ~ 𝐴 𝐵𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛

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"For our valiant brother we always hear about

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"For our valiant brother we always hear about."


After discovering her pregnancy, Daenerys asked Irri to gather some supper for herself and Rhaenaerys. Once Irri left, Daenerys asked Doreah to find Rhae.

Doreah found Rhaenaerys at the cliff's edge, still sitting atop her white-mare, only the sun had set below the horizon. The night's sky twinkled above Rhae as the hand-maiden approached her.


Rhaenaerys turned towards Doreah, a smile making it's way onto her face as her friend approach her.

"Hello, Doreah."

"Daenerys has requested you."

Rhae smirked, "Then we must'nt keep her waiting." The Targaryen held out her hand for the brunette, who took it and hopped onto the mare.

Rhaenaerys rode the mare through the Khalasar's camp, listening to Doreah as she told her about dragons with the occasional point of direction, as all of the tents looked alike to the Targaryen.

"She's in there, Khaleesi."

Rhae thanked Doreah as she slid off of the mare, helping the hand-maiden down. Doreah led the mare away as Rhae entered the animal-skin tent.

"You requested for me, Dany?"

Daenerys smiled as she stood from the bed and, practically, skipped over to Rhaenaerys, taking her hands.

"Yes, because I have some good news for you."

Rhae chuckled at her sister's cheery mood.
"Oh, let me guess... Drogo finally got rid of Viserys? No, wait, Robert Baratheon has renounced his claim to the Iron Throne?"

Daenerys chuckled, "No, my sweet unknowing sister... I'm with child."

Rhaenaerys' smiled so wide her cheeks began to hurt. "That's wonderful, Dany. It is a gift." She gently hugged her older-twin.

"Do you think you'll dream of my child?"
Daenerys asked in wonder, Rhae's gift always sparking her curiosity.

"Perhaps, but come, sweet sister, you must be starving." Rhae spoke as she walked over to the table with her and Daenerys' supper placed upon it.

Once the twins were comfy they began to eat the goat that had been butchered for their supper.

"Have you thought of any names?"

Daenerys shrugged, "Not really, I'm new to all of this. We never had a mother to teach us about this stuff." Rhae nodded, "Well, I think I have a good one." "Let's here it then." Daenerys chuckled.

"I was thinking Rhaego. For our valiant brother we always hear about, the Last Dragon they call him."

Daenerys smiled, "I love it."

ꕥ 𐂃☀︎︎𐂃 ꕥ

Once the Targaryen twins finished their supper, they waited for Khal Drogo. Thankfully, the wait wasn't to long as they were excited to see their husband's reaction to the news.

Khal Drogo had been overjoyed to hear the news that one of his wives was gifted with child from the Great Stallion, lovingly kissing them.

Now, the three laid upon their bed with Rhaenaerys and Daenerys cuddled into either side of Drogo.

"It's a boy." Daenerys spoke up.

Khal Drogo looked towards the oldest-twin, "How do you know?"

Daenerys smirked at Rhae, "I know."


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