xii ~ 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑, 𝐾ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠

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"We are the Blood of the Dragon

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"We are the Blood of the Dragon."


The Great Khal's Khalasar continued to travel through the vast plains of Essos, riding over a cliff's edge that overlooked pale mountains sizzled with green grass at the tips. The sun shone brightly above the Khalasar as it soared in the middle of the sky.

The Targaryen twins rode atop their white-mare behind Khal Drogo. The Khal didn't look well as he was hunched over atop his stallion.

"My Lord... Our sun and stars... Drogo."

Daenerys tried to get the attention of Khal Drogo as she sat in front of Rhaenaerys on their mare. Khal Drogo mumbled something in Dothraki before he fell from his horse, landing roughly onto the sandy ground. The Targaryen twins dismounted their mare and ran to Khal Drogo's side immediately.

Khal Drogo asked for his horse as he laid on the ground, not fully aware of anything around him. All of the Great Khal's bloodriders surrounded them.

"He fell from his horse... A Khal who cannot ride is no Khal." Qotho spoke from atop his stallion.

"He needs to rest. We've ridden far enough today. We'll camp here." Daenerys commanded.

"Women do not give us orders. Not even a Khaleesi." Qotho defied the Khaleesi.

"We'll camp here. Tell them Khal Drogo commanded it." Rhae commanded.

"You do not command me, Khaleesi."
Qotho spat as he once again defied the Khaleesis.

"Find Mirri Maz Duur. Bring her to us."
Daenerys commanded the bloodrider.

"The witch? I'll bring you her head, Khaleesi."
Qotho retorted with a smirk.

"Bring her to us unharmed or Khal Drogo will hear you defied us." Daenerys shouted. Qotho grunted in annoyance as he kicked his stallion into a gallop, beginning his search for Mirri Maz Duur.

The Targaryen twins sat beside their Khal as they looked out into the horizon, worry for their husband etched onto their young faces.

ꕥ 𐂃☀︎︎𐂃 ꕥ

The Khalasar, quickly, made camp on the cliff's edge. Most of the riders flocked to the Great Khal's tent in hopes that Khal Drogo would emerge from it as he once was. Before the witch laid her hands on him.

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