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HOLY SH***T!!! 100k?? 100k??!!

When I first began writing this book I never ever ever expected it to come this far and I only have you amazing readers/voters/commenters to thank for that!! SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I honestly cannot express in words, ironic for a writer LOL, how much this means to me and how it touches my heart that 100k people have read my book or even just glanced at it. It's an amazing experience and I cannot wait to continue this book and show you lovely amazing awesome readers what I still have in store for our favorite twins and Stark!!! Because we still have a long way to go ;)

With that said, I wrote up a little surprise/teaser for you amazing people for being so patient with me and my turtle updating speed ;p Because I know how much you are anticipating Rikson's first meeting with the twins, here is a teaser for that future chapter;

Enjoy and THANK U SOOO MUCH once again for reading my book and allowing it to reach 100k!!! I love you all so so so much from the bottom to the top of my heart!! And I sincerely hope u amazing readers will continue on with me on this journey! :)

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     The sound of waves rushing to meet the shores and crashing against the cliffs making up the vast majority of the famed island of Dragonstone fills the salty atmosphere around the Hand of the Targaryen Twins, Tyrion Lannister, and the twins' m...

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     The sound of waves rushing to meet the shores and crashing against the cliffs making up the vast majority of the famed island of Dragonstone fills the salty atmosphere around the Hand of the Targaryen Twins, Tyrion Lannister, and the twins' most trusted advisor, Missandei of Naath, with a guard of Dothraki stood behind them.

   Tyrion Lannister's one green and one black eye gazed about the Northerners with a slight furrow creasing his brows, until they landed upon a certain head of wavy brunette hair he remembered all too well.

    Rikson Stark hoisted himself out of the wooden boat rowed to shore with little effort, stepping away from it as his blue eyes the shade of ice that blankets the lakes of the North gaze about the island of dragons and dragon lords he stands upon.

   The volcano beside the stone keep, which he now remembers is called the Dragonmont, looms above on the cliff they stand beneath, it were quite a daunting and terrifying sight yet extraordinarily beautiful in it's own way. A proper seat for dragons and dragon lords. Rikson finds himself wondering if the seven dragons of the Targaryen Twins rested now within the depths of the volcano with white wisps of smoke emitting from it's mouth. He, then, noticed that when he listened closely, the Dragonmont was rumbling; greeting the island's guests.

   Never had Rikson Stark believed to see such wonders in his entire Northern life. Dragonstone was a pleasant change from Winterfell and the Wall, but too warm for his cold blood. 

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