viii ~ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠

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"The Mad King

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"The Mad King."

"Commonly known as the Mad King."


The Khalasar approached two large statues of horses, seeming to be rearing up at one another. The statutes were a mixture of bronze and gold, depending on how the angle of the sun hit it.

The statues served as an entryway to the Dothraki city known as Vaes Dothrak.

Khal Drogo and his bloodriders galloped towards the city, as the Khalasar stopped under the statues behind the Targaryen twins.

"Vaes Dothrak. The city of the horselords."
Ser Jorah announced.

The Targaryen twins smiled in awe as they stared at Vaes Dothrak. Mountains sat in front of Vaes Dothrak, while an open plain, that made the twins feel closer to the sky, sat behind the city.

From where they could see, hundreds of wooden huts created a circle around a rather large building in the center of the circular city.

"A pile of mud."
Viserys spat from atop his chestnut stallion.
"Mud and shit and twigs. Best these savages can do."

"These are mine and Rhaenaerys' people now. You shouldn't call them savages." Daenerys spoke up against her brother, making pride swell inside of Rhae, as she sat behind her on their mare.

"I'll call them what I like, because they're my people. This is my army. Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army." Viserys said, although it sounded like he was whining, before he spurred his horse forward to get to Vaes Dothrak.

The Targaryen twins lead the Khalasar with Ser Jorah riding alongside them as they made their way to the Dothraki city.

"If our brother was given an army of Dothraki, could you conquer the Seven Kingdoms?"

Daenerys' question was directed towards the knight that rode on his brown-stallion beside them.

"The Dothraki have never crossed the Narrow Sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink."

"But if they did?"
Daenerys' tone was laced with slight impatience.

"King Robert is fool enough to meet them in open battle, but the men advising him are different."

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