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"no, no, no," i shook my head. "wait... yes..? i dunno. i don't get this shit." i complained.

i felt my phone buzz in my pocket, so i held up a finger as i pulled it out to check who it was.

melanie martinez headass

come see me
just one more time?


i rolled my eyes as i left him on read, turning my attention back to adrian.

"who was that?" he asked.


"you mean que?" he laughed.

"aht, aht! don't say his name in my presence!" i waved my hands around, pushing his shoulder.

"you really don't like him, huh?" he chuckled. i shook my head. "alright, what other nicknames do you have to avoid saying his name?"

"let's see," i held my fingers up to count each one. "there's 6+1, melanie martinez, mold head, alphabet boy, number boy, seventeenth letter of the alphabet, q-tip, square root of forty-nine... need i go on?" i raised a brow.

he let out a loud laugh. "nah, i get it. damn, you creative."

i shrugged as i leaned back in my chair. "oh, and if you're texting, you've gotta censor his name, bro. shit is like a slur."

my phone buzzed again, so i looked at the message.

melanie martinez headass

i can see that you left me on read yk?

that's the point


cause i don't like you

then why you keep coming back to me all the time?

there's a difference between wanting you and wanting sex 🤡

so you're just using me for sex now?

it's not like you didn't do the same throughout our whole relationship but go off i guess

i never did that

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