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"baby," i hummed softly as i walked to where annagrace was getting ready in her bathroom. "can we stop to get some food on the way? a bitch is starving."

"yeah, of course." she agreed.

i looked up at her, taking in her appearance. i stifled in a laugh. "you look like a 'hey, mamas' lesbian."

"stop!" she screeched. she pouted as she started taking her hat off.

i quickly walked over to her, grabbing her hat and putting it back on her head. "no, i'm just kidding. you look cute, mama." i laughed softly.

"you said i look like a 'hey, mamas' lesbian, how is that cute?" she blinked a few times.

"i said i was kidding," i giggled as i stood up on my tiptoes to press a kiss to her cheek. "you look adorable as hell, for real."

i watched as she blushed. she turned away from me so that i couldn't see the blush. "thank you." she murmured.

"of course."

she finished getting ready before reaching for my hand. i moved to wrap my arms around her right arm though, leaning into her side as we started walking. she smiled down at me as i did.

"so, where are we going?" i asked. "i know you said it was a long drive, but where exactly is it?"

"i think it's better you just wait until we get there," she told me as we reached her car, where she opened the passenger door for me. "trust me, lovebug."

"alright, i guess." i gave a small sigh.

she closed the door once i sat in the passenger seat, then walked around the front to get to the driver's seat. once she had got in, turned the car on, buckled up, and backed out of her parking space, she reached for my hand. i happily gave it to her, interlacing our fingers.

just like she said we would, we stopped by taco bell on the way to wherever it is that we're going. i got my usual four bean burritos, and she got some quesadillas.

we ate on the way there, as well as listened to music, talked, and made jokes.

the drive was about an hour and a half long. once we got there, she grabbed the back that she had packed before coming around to open my door for me. she grabbed my hand once i got out and started leading me somewhere.

i let out a small gasp as i saw that it we were in a flower field. i turned to look up at her. "this is cute as hell."

she gave me a wide grin. "so, you like it?"

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