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i let out a sigh as i looked down at my homework. my phone pinged, so i picked it up to look at it.


send me the homework answers

or what?

i know where you live
i'll come and beat your ass, and then get the answers

i'd like to see your tiny ass try that

don't play with me bro
i'll seriously beat your ass

come do it then since you think you're all big and bad

my bed is comfy tho

cause you won't do shit 😫🙌

yeah i will
i just don't feel like it

on a real note tho
i'm struggling with the hw 😣🙌
you gonna have to find someone else to get the answers from someone else

damn it
you're useless 🤨

and you're rude

fuck off

you texted me tho 😩

ima try and look up the answers
so bye loser

bye 🖕😁🖕


i let out a small laugh as i turned my phone off, setting it aside.

it's been a few days since i gave billie my number, and we've actually been texting quite a lot.

she's still a bitch, but in a friendly way, if that makes sense..?

she's turned out to be a lot cooler than i expected. we've gotten to know each other a bit, but her walls are up high; she doesn't tend to share a lot.

i get that though. being vulnerable is hard. it's hard to open up to people, especially someone you practically just met.

i wanna get her comfortable enough to where she can open up to me though. obviously i'm not gonna force it out of her, but i want her to know that she's able to talk to me about whatever. that's just the type of person i am.

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