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"are you okay?" normani asked as she peeked into my room.

i pulled my blanket down to look at her. i shrugged, then pulled my blanket back over my head.

i heard her footsteps as she walked over to me, then i felt the bed dip. "talk to me, ag."

"i don't wanna."

"you need to," she tried. "you've just been cooped up in here for the past four days, and you only do that when you're upset."

i let out a grunt. i pulled my blanket down, but only so that she could see my eyes. "billie won't talk to me. the last time we talked was monday. she won't answer her phone or anything."

i looked up at the ceiling. "i didn't even do anything..."

"well... not that i can think of," my brows furrowed. "we seemed perfectly fine on monday. we were just cuddling like we usually do, and then the next day, no texts or nothing."

"didn't she give you a key to her dorm a few weeks ago or something?" she questioned. "go bust up in there."

since billie will literally call me at two in the morning to come cuddle her, she gave me a key to her dorm. it just made everything easier for the both of us.

"yeah, but i can't find it." i pouted.

"damn," she sucked her teeth. "are you sure you didn't do anything? like, you're absolutely positive?"

"yes, dude. i'm always nice to her, no matter the situation," i pointed out. "it's not like i snapped at her or something. and it's not like i did anything physical either; i literally cuddled her."

i let out a sigh. "whatever the reason for her just ghosting me is, i wish this wasn't her first response. i mean this in the nicest way possible, she needs to learn how to face her problems and communicate instead of just running away from her problems. i— i don't know if i can take getting ghosted again."

"i don't know what to tell you," normani frowned. "maybe give her a couple of days, and then try to talk to her. in person, not over text or a phone call."

"but i don't wanna wait; you know i'm not a patient person!" i threw my hands up.

"yeah, your little adhd ass." she teased.

"shut up." i grumbled.

"nah," she grinned. "but like i said, just give her a few more days, and then talk to her. i'm sure you two will work it out, whatever it is."

"i sure fucking hope so." i muttered.

she stood up. i was expecting her to just walk out, but instead she yanked my blanket off of me and off of my bed.

"hey, what the fuck?!" i asked loudly.

"you need to get up. go take a shower; you stink."

"no, i don't," i glared. "liar!"

she walked out as she repeated "go take a shower."

i rolled my eyes, yet still got out of bed. i grabbed a fresh set of clothes before heading to the bathroom.


i let out a sigh as i walked through the campus. i was going out to cloud watch to try and get my mind off of everything. i had my airpods in, listening to a playlist in my library.

billie made me this playlist.

as i was walking, i felt somebody take my airpod out before wrapping their arm around my shoulder. "heyo!"

"get the fuck off of me," i grumbled as i pushed kaylee off of me. "and give me my damn airpod back!"

"chill," she laughed as she handed it to me. "why the attitude?"

"i shouldn't be talking to you," i shook my head. "you need to leave."

"why can't you?" she tilted her head as she walked in line beside me.

"because you like me; that's disrespectful to my relationship for me to talk to you knowing that." i stated as if it was common sense.

"i'm not trying anything though. i'm just talking to you as a friend."

"yeah, well, i don't consider you a friend," i gave a fake smile. "so, go the hell on somewhere."

"you and your lil' girlfriend are both rude as hell," she chuckled. "she's tiny as fuck though."

"yeah, i know she is; she's my girlfriend. why wouldn't i?" i gave her a blank stare. "and if you think we're so rude, why don't you leave us the hell alone?"

"'cause, like i've told you, i've got a thing for girls who don't give a shit about me." she grinned.

"that's so— why?" i scrunched my face up. "that will get you no where if you want a relationship."

she shrugged. "it's not like that's my only type."

i rolled my eyes. "please, just leave me the fuck alone. i'm not in the mood for this."

"what's wrong?" she raised a brow.

"none of your business."

"is it relationship problems?" she pushed.

"dude, i said it was none of your damn business," i snapped, finally having enough of her as i shoved her backwards. "fuck off. damn."

i felt her eyes on me as i stormed off, but thankfully she didn't try to chase off after me.

why does she always try to talk to me when i'm just tryna cloud watch? shit is mad annoying.

i walked out of the dorm building, going outside to my usual spot. i laid across the grass where there was a slight incline. i looked up at the sky, then took in a sharp inhale as i realized that there were hardly any clouds out today.

this week just isn't my week so far.


a/n this is so short pls



i'm hella surprised nobody commented about the fact that billie slapped kaylee last chapter— 😭


i feel like i did alright on my test today. thank you for wishing me luck 😁👍

how are y'all? are y'all good? you staying hydrated and eating enough?


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