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it's now saturday, billie's birthday. we've spent the first part of the day with her family to celebrate it. after we did, billie of course teased me about how awkward i was.

i'm so scared to mess up in front of her parents though. it'd be kinda hard to date her if her parents hated me or some shit.

it's now later in the day, nearing eight at night. we're on our way to drew's house, because drew is throwing a small party/get together thing for billie's birthday.

i grabbed billie's hand once we got out of the car and thanked the uber driver. billie then lead the way up to drew's front door. she didn't bother with knocking as she just opened the door and walked inside.

i looked around. there wasn't too many people here; there were probably somewhere between twenty and thirty people. there was music playing in the background.

"c'mon, let's go find drew and zoe." billie ushered.

i just followed her through the house. she's been in a particularly good mood today, and it's honestly contagious.

i love when she's happy.

eventually, we found them. i recognized drew, since i had met her at that party a few months ago. i assumed the other girl was zoe.

billie greeted the two girls with large hugs. once she did, she grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers again.

"zoe, this is my girlfriend, ag. ag, this is my best friend, zoe." billie introduced us.

"you're acting like i didn't know that already; it's not like you ever shut up about her." zoe teased.

"bro!" billie yelled loudly. "shut up!"

we all let out loud laughs. i softly nudged her. "not you talking about me."

"shush!" she demanded with a flushed face.

i grinned as i wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her into my side. i kissed the top of her head.

"dude, you've got to be, like, 6'2, or some shit," zoe said in awe as she looked up at me. "do you play basketball?"

"nah, i'm only 5'11," i chuckled. "and i played basketball in high school, but that's it. adrian, my twin, tried to convince me to play it in college, but i don't like it like that, you know? it's not really for me."

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