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a/n can i have whatever tf she was on during that live ^ cause—

"his name is steve," i gave a look. "who's name is steve?"

"wait, who?" adrian asked.

"this guy in my first class," i rolled my eyes. "homeboy will not leave me alone and i'm this close to decking him in the face. like, how many fucking times of me rejecting him is it gonna take for him to get that i don't want him?!"

"have you told ag?" he raised a brow.

"i've mentioned it, yeah," i answered. "i told her she didn't have anything to worry about though because i'm literally in love with her. i'm not tryna fuck this shit up. like... i-i mess so many things up, but i'm not trying to ruin this too. i would not be able to— i can't, bro."

"you better not ruin it," he told me. "ag doesn't deserve that. like i've told you before, if you hurt her, i can't hang out with you anymore, bro. i wouldn't do that to her."

i raised my hands. "you don't have to worry. i seriously wouldn't be able to live with myself if if i messed this up."


i leaned back in his chair. i watched as he grabbed my phone off of his desk.

"i don't know what the hell you're doing, but if i were you, i wouldn't go to my camera roll." i gave a lazy smirk.

"why no— oh, you nasty bitches," his face scrunched in disgust. "that's so gross, what the fuck?"

"to you."

he rolled his eyes, then widened them. "jesus christ."


"how the hell do you have 2,346 unread messages?" he gave an astonished look.

i shrugged. "i dunno. bitches be mad annoying and i don't wanna answer them. deadass, the only person i consistently respond to is ag."

"as you should."

i reached a hand up to adjust my beanie. "what are you even doing on my phone?"

"playing a game that i downloaded while you and ag were napping last week," he grinned. "speaking of, why the hell were you two sleeping in my bed?"

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