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"lovebugggg," ag dragged out in a whine. "what's wrong?"

"nothing." i assured her.

"there's got to be something," she jutted her lip out. "usually you'd be bullying me by now, but you haven't yet."

i reached over, poking the hickey that i gave her last night. she moved away from me, flipping me off. "is that what you want? and i don't bully you."

"and i'm not gay; try again," she waved me off. "but, like, you've hardly said anything today, and that's unlike you. there's gotta be something bothering you."

i took her hands in mine. "i'm fine, baby; i promise. i just woke up in a weird mood today." i explained.

she pouted as she interlaced our fingers. "is there anything i could do to help that? i could give you a booty rub?" her lips turned into a smirk.

"i mean, i'm not gonna deny o—" i started but she cut me off as she jumped off the bed.

"wait, i got it!" she said as she held her finger up, then went into her closet.

i was fine with the booty rub.

she came back over to me a few minutes later. i watched as she took her hair out of the bun it was in, then shook her head a few times before putting a hat on backwards. i then noticed a microphone in her hand.

"what are you doing?" i let out a confused laugh.

"just wait," she grinned as she connected her phone to a speaker. "i'm about to give you the justin bieber experience." a few seconds later, 'baby' by justin bieber came through the speaker.

"oh my godddd." i laughed as i shook my head.

i thought back to when ag was over at my house and had found out that i liked justin bieber.

"baby," i caught annagrace's attention. "would you be an angel and get me a hoodie out of my closet?"

"yeah, of course, lovebug." she agreed as she kissed my forehead.

she walked over to the closet, opening the door. she stopped for a moment before bursting into laughter.

my brows furrowed in confusion, but my eyes soon widened.

"justin bieber? really?" she teased through laughs as she opened the closet door further to show off the poster i had on the door from when i was twelve.

"stopppp!" i dragged out as i got out of my bed, walking over to her. i grabbed her hand to try and pull her away, but she didn't budge.

"i would've never thought that you were a lil' belieber," she chuckled as she looked around my closet some more. "billie bieber? seriously?" she burst into another fit of laughter.

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