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"nah, we're taking your car," i told billie as we walked out to the parking lot. "it's sexy as hell."

"you in love with it or something?" she chuckled.

"um... yes?" i questioned with furrowed brows, because honestly who isn't in love with it?

"as you should be." she smirked, making me roll my eyes.

we reached her car, and i got into the passenger seat while she got into the driver's seat.

i pointed out the way to get to the party as she drove. between my directions, we laughed and made jokes, and also listened to music that was way too loud.

once we got to the party, billie parked her car. she came around to my side, taking my hand once i got out of the car and shut the door.

"come on, baby." she ushered.


i felt a small blush coat my cheeks as she led me inside, trying to find the kitchen. we found it soon enough. i looked across at the assortment of different bottles of alcohol. i grabbed a bottle of malibu.

i pulled her closer before placing my hand around her neck. i smirked as i felt her neck heat up and watched as she blushed.

that's a sight i'll never get over.

i opened the bottle before tilting her head back and pouring the malibu into her mouth. i met her eyes before cocking an eyebrow. i smirked as she swallowed it. i then took a sip myself.


"oh my god!" billie gasped.

"what is it?" i furrowed my brows.

she didn't say anything, instead grabbing my hand and pulling me away somewhere. she stopped as we approached some girl with brown, curly hair.

"drew!" billie exclaimed excitedly as she dropped my hand and crashed into the girl, bringing her into a tight hug.

"billie?!" the girl's eyebrows raised as she wrapped her arms around billie. "what are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same thing! you're supposed to be in la!" billie laughed.

i stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say or do. they were obviously very close. as i watched them, a small pit of jealously formed in my stomach.

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