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i let out a low groan as i placed my head in my arms on the desk.

fucking steve and his dumb ass friends are, as usual, being annoying and loud as fuck. i would move seats, but of course the professor had gave us assigned seats.

so fun.

i ended up falling asleep until the end of the lecture. when it was over, and i had woken up, i gathered my stuff up. i sleepily rubbed at my eye as i made my way out of class.

"aye! billie!" steve called out.

i don't even know how this motherfucker knows my name. damn weirdo.

"the fuck you want?" i questioned harshly.

he raised his hands. "a chance? i mean, c'mon, i'm not bad."

i scoffed as i looked up at him. "why the fuck can't you take no for an answer? men like you are exactly why this world is such a shitty place."

i reached up to punch him in the face. he spluttered as i did, and i rolled my eyes.

"fucking idiot." i spat.

my phone started ringing, so i pulled it out. i smiled as i saw that it was ag. "hey, baby." i answered, making sure to put heavy emphasis on 'baby.'

"hi, lovebug!" she gushed. "me, adrian, and atlas were gonna go get some food. do you wanna come with us?"

"um, yes, the fuck?" my brows furrowed as i started walking away. "why did you even need to ask that?"

"just had to make sure," she chuckled. "okay, meet me where we always meet up, yeah?"

"mhm," i hummed. "i'll see you in a bit. i love you."

"i love you too."

i ended the call and slipped my phone into my pocket. i let out a sigh as i thought back to a couple of days ago when ag had suggested again that i need to go to therapy.

i don't need it.

i don't get why she thinks i do. like i keep telling her, it's for broken people. i'm not broken. the point of therapy is to fix people.

you can't fix what isn't broken.

i reached the spot we meet up at. i grinned as i saw her walking over to me.

"hi, william." she smiled as she brought me into a hug.

"'hi, william?'" i teasingly mocked. "i don't get a 'hello, my beautiful girlfriend, who i love oh so much. how was class, lovebug?'"

"you're so annoying." she laughed loudly. she kissed the top of my head before mocking me "how was class, lovebug?"

"it was very annoying," i rolled my eyes. "oh, and uh... i kinda, sorta, maybe punched steve."

i looked up at her to see her holding in a laugh. "for real?"

i nodded. "mhm. he tried hitting on me again so i punched him. hopefully he'll leave me the hell alone now."

"as you should," she chuckled. "honestly, i was waiting for you to snap at him."

"i'm surprised i didn't sooner," i sighed. "literally like point-five seconds after i punched him, you called me. you should've seen his face when i answered with 'hey, baby.'" i snickered.

"i bet you enjoyed that, huh? is your hand hurt though?" she questioned, then moved her hand to grab my right one to bring it up to inspect it.

"nah, not really." i shrugged.

she kissed my knuckles. "well, i'm glad. alright, adrian and atlas are waiting on us, so let's go, babygirl."

"alright." i nodded.

i wrapped my arms around her right one and leaned my head on her arm as we walked out to the parking lot.

"where do we wanna eat at?" adrian asked from the front seat as he backed out of the parking lot.

"i think we should go to crossroads." i suggested.

"oouuu! i second that." ag nodded.

"what's that?" atlas asked, tilting their head.

"bro, it's so good," ag told them, and i could tell she was about to start rambling. "it's this vegan restaurant. i honesty didn't think it would be that good, but billie took me there a little while back. it's literally amazing. i got the chicken and waffles, which was fire. billie gets the chicken and waffles and the meatball sub, and she says that the meatball subs are heavenly too!" she explained with a large smile on her face.

she's so damn cute.

"i mean, you make it sound good, so i'll give it a shot." atlas nodded their head.

"what do you say, adrian? do you want to eat there?" ag asked him.

"i feel like i'd be missing out if i didn't say yes," he chuckled. "and i don't wanna be the only one who says no."

ag grinned and pumped her fist. "hell yeah!"

i chuckled as i leaned over to kiss her cheek. "cutie."

her cheeks flushed slightly as she flashed me a soft smile. she stole a quick kiss from me. "i love you." she murmured.

"i love you too, baby." i smiled.

we eventually got to crossroads. we got lead to a table, where we told the waiter what we wanted to drink.

"i think i'm gonna get the meatball sub this time," ag mumbled. "but i really want the chicken and waffles again. i don't wanna get both though, because i don't think i'll be able to eat both, and i don't wanna waste any food. i'm also scared i won't like the meatball sub. this is quite a predicament."

"if you end up not liking the meatball sub, i'll trade my chicken and waffles with you." i offered her.

"for real?" her eyes lit up. i nodded my head. "okay, bet then. thank you."

"yeah, of course, mama." i chuckled.

i looked across the table at adrian and atlas. "how are you two?"

"i'm great," adrian said. "i'm very content with my life right now."

"that's good; i'm glad." i smiled. i looked over at atlas. "and you?"

"i'm pretty content with my life too." he nodded with a shy smile.

i turned to annagrace. "and how are you, baby?"

"extremely good," she grinned. "like, hella good. how are you, my love?"

"honestly?" i gave a small, content sigh. "i'm the happiest i think i've ever been."


a/n two chapters since this one and the last one are so short ☝️




i'm lowkey shocked that nobody commented about the fact that ag changed bil's contact name from "midget :)" to "my love <3" 😭


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