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"baby!" billie shouted excitedly as she ran over to me. as always, she jumped up into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"jeez," i stumbled back some as i laughed. "hi, lovebug; i missed you."

"i missed you too," she smiled as she cupped my cheeks to bring me into a kiss. "so much."

"you're so cute," i murmured. "you know, i love you picking you up from the airport; it's so cute how you always run to me and jump into my arms and shit."

she gave a large grin. "it's fun doing that."

she gave me another kiss. "one day though, i'm gonna knock you to the ground when i do, and it's gonna be hilarious."

i gave her an unamused look. "you just don't wanna see me winning, huh?"

"of course i do, bubbie." she assured softly.

i placed her on the ground, then grabbed her suitcase for her. "alright, let's get back to the dorms so i can go back to sleep; it's literally four in the damn morning."

"let's go then." she wrapped her arms around my right one.


"give it back, you damn bozo!" billie grumbled.

"hm," i hummed, holding my hand further up. "i'll give it back if you can reach it."

"that's not even fair, idiot! you're a god damn skyscraper!" she complained.

i thumped her forehead. "you know... why do short girls like you always have the most attitude? like, why the fuck are all of y'all so mean and aggressive?"

"i'm not even that short," she glared. "now give me back my phone! i was playing a game, bro!"

"i've done told you; if you can reach it, you can have it back." i teased.

"if you want me to pay attention to you instead of my phone, just say that."

"maybe i do," i grinned. "i guess we'll never know." i quoted, which made her crack a smile.

"you're so annoying!"

i cupped my free hand around my ear. "oh, what was that? you said i'm annoying? but... you're in love with me, so obviously you must like that."

"nah, because you've just let that get to your head." she rolled her eyes.

"may perhaps."

i watched as she backed up some. i raised a questioning eyebrow. my eyes then widened as she ran back over to me and jumped up on me. i stumbled a bit as she reached her hand up to grab her phone, but i just moved it out of her reach again.

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