A second chance p.2

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Naruto shivered as a cold chill ran through him. If he was to spend the rest of his days here, alone, without friends, family or even enemies, he would've preferred to be thrown into the Shinigami's stomach and forced to fight for all eternity. At least that was better than slowly going insane in this realm...

"Ah, you're finally here, my child," a melodious voice said through the deafening silence, and Naruto immediately turned to look at the owner of the new voice, and he couldn't help but be slack-jawed.

The owner of the voice was a beautiful woman of average height, her angelic features and long flowing midnight black hair didn't do her justice as she was far beyond the epitome of true beauty. Her grey orbs shone with wisdom and compassion, and her flowing blue kimono with a red obi sash was swaying with the breeze, but to Naruto's surprise and slight shock, he couldn't feel any kind wind anywhere.

The woman smiled warmly at Naruto. "It's good to see you well, my Child of Prophecy."

Naruto looked at the woman in shock. "Y-You knew I was the Child of Prophecy?"

The woman nodded, the smile never leaving her features. "I was the one who bestowed upon you that title after all, long before you were brought into this world." She explained, and Naruto was floored. Putting all the pieces together in his head, from the prophecy told to him by the Elder Toad Sage, along with the notes left by Jiraiya of the Sannin, and the fact that he was currently well and truly dead...

Then it all clicked, and his jaw fell again.

Slowly pointing a shaky finger at the woman, who still wore that warm smile on her face, Naruto finally found his voice, "Y-You're K-Kami-sama!" he shouted a bit louder than usual. That was the only logical explanation he could come up with in this ridiculous situation, that the woman in front of him was in fact the Goddess of the Gods. His preposterous theory was proven true when the smile on the woman's face widened just a fraction.

"As expected of the champion of my choosing," Kami said, giggling when she saw that Naruto was still staring at her in disbelief. "And there is much more you don't know, so much more, but never mind that." She said as she gracefully sat down, gesturing for the young blonde to do the same, which he did, even if he was still confused. "So, tell me my child, what happened?"

Naruto broke himself out of his stupor, sighed and remained silent. After a moment, he spoke, his voice subdued and sad.

"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya ended the world, and I was in the thick of it, and I was powerless to stop it. That's it, plain and simple." It was obvious to everyone that the boy was extremely frustrated with himself for not being able to save his precious people, and he was blaming himself for it. "She was just ... too strong for us ... how do you fight someone like that?" he said the last part with as much venom as he could.

No matter what they did, be it ninjutsu or any other branches of the shinobi arts, the Rabbit Goddess had a counter for all of them, even their near-instantaneous teleportation techniques.

Kami nodded as she offered him a sad smile of her own. "I understand, I'm sorry for all the hardships you have to go through my child." She said, and Naruto looked into her grey eyes, "Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was once mortal — a kind and gentle soul, scarred by war and violence, but corrupted by power — a power which she couldn't even hope to contain and comprehend." The deity explained as Naruto listened intently, paying full attention. "With her newfound power, she ended all conflict by enslaving the world, ruled with fear and intimidation. She was considered an abomination the moment she ingested the Shinju's Chakra Fruit..."

Naruto had to agree with that sentiment. That woman's a monster.

"But that's not what I came here today for, a history lesson." Kami explained as Naruto looked bewildered, "No, because I have need of you once again my child. Help me save another world from the fate of your own."

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